Joint Program In the News

The Hill | Dec 03, 2023
Co-authors say map presented in the Mandate is of 'a road to ruin' (The Hill)
The Hill | Nov 28, 2023
A call for a concerted scientific effort to understand the risks posed by exceeding them (The Hill)
In The News
Deutsche Welle (DW) | Nov 25, 2023
Held up as the temperature limit that should not be crossed, 1.5 degrees Celsius is more than just a number. So what's behind it, and what happens if it is exceeded? (DW)
Kerry Emanuel discusses sea level rise during a civil discourse on climate change. Photo: Kevin Ly
Around Campus
A recent forum was the first in a series planned at MIT this year, part of an initiative meant to encourage the open exchange of ideas (MIT SHASS)
In The News
Progressive | Nov 06, 2023
We spoke to leading experts across the country to examine the pros — and potential cons — of the coming EV revolution (Progressive)
Around Campus
Inaugural Fast Forward Faculty Fund grants aim to spur new work on climate change and deepen collaboration at MIT (MIT Office of the Vice President for Research)
MITEI Research Conference
Around Campus
MIT Energy Inititiative | Nov 03, 2023
The MIT Energy Initiative’s Annual Research Conference highlights strategies for implementing large-scale reductions in the world’s greenhouse gas emissions (MIT Energy Initiative)
Around Campus
MIT News | Nov 01, 2023
An expert on the environmental impacts of aviation, Barrett succeeds Daniel Hastings as department head (MIT News)
Ask MIT Climate banner V4_WEB.jpg
In The News
MIT Climate Portal | Oct 20, 2023
Almost certainly not—but unless we act quickly to stop warming the planet, there will be very severe consequences for many, many people (MIT Climate Portal)
In The News
MIT Climate Portal | Oct 19, 2023
MIT Joint Program Director Ronald Prinn joins MIT’s TILclimate podcast to discuss the past, present and future of how refrigerants affect our planet (MIT Climate Portal)
