Peer-Reviewed Research

Journal articles and book chapters.

Conference Proceedings Paper
Jacoby, H.D., R. Schmalensee and I. Sue Wing (1998).
Proceedings of OECD Workshop on Economic Modeling of Climate Change, Paris, September [Read Full Article]
Schmalensee, R. (1998).
The Impact of Climate Change Policy on Consumers: Can Tradable Permits Reduce the Cost?, C. Walker et al. (eds.), American Council for Capital Formation Center for Policy Research, Washington DC, pp. 39-56
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 1998-6
Xiao, X., J. Melillo, D. Kicklighter, A. McGuire, R.G. Prinn, C. Wang, P.H. Stone and A. Sokolov (1998).
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 12(2): 345-360 [Download]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Webster, M.D., and A.P. Sokolov (1998).
Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling, CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation, Report No. 27 (MO/TD 865) pp. 7.42-7.43
Journal Article
Xiao, X., J.M. Melillo, Y. Pan, D.W. Kicklighter and A.D. McGuire (1998).
Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 22:97-118 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 1998-1
Calbo, J., W. Pan, M. Webster, R.G. Prinn and G. McRae (1998).
Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(D3): 3437-3467 [Download]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Mayer, M., M.D. Webster, G.J. McRae and R.G. Prinn (1998).
Eos Transactions, 79(45): F114
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 1998-2
Jacoby, H.D., R.G. Prinn and R. Schmalensee (1998).
Foreign Affairs, 77(4): 54-66 [Download]
Journal Article
Wang, C., and R.G. Prinn (1998).
J. of Geophysical Research, 103(D17): 22,063-22,071
Journal Article
Tian, H., J. Melillo, D. Kicklighter, A.D. McGuire, J. Helfrich, B. Moore III and C. Vorosmarty (1998).
Nature, 396: 664-667 [Read Full Article]
Prinn, R.G. (1998).
The Impact of Climate Change Policy on Consumers: Can Tradable Permits Reduce the Cost?, C.E. Walker et al. (eds.), American Council for Capital Formation, Ctr. for Policy Research, Washington DC, pp. 65-72
Joint Program Reprint, Conference Proceedings Paper
Reprint 1998-4
Sokolov, A.P., and P.H. Stone (1997).
Eos Transactions, 78(46), Abstract A52B-02
Journal Article
Tatang, M.A., W. Pan, R.G. Prinn and G. McRae (1997).
J. of Geophysical Research, 102: 21,925-21,932 [Read Full Article]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Jacoby, H.D., R. Schmalensee and D.M. Reiner (1997).
Conference Volume, IPIEC Symposium on the Critical Issues in the Economics of Climate Change B.P. Flannery et al. (eds.) [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Book/Chapter
Reprint 1997-2
Jacoby, H.D., R. Schmalensee and D.M. Reiner (1997).
Critical Issues in the Economics of Climate Change, B. Flannery et al. (editors), International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association, London [Download]
