Peer-Reviewed Research

Journal articles and book chapters.

Prinn, R.G. (editor) (1994).
Plenum Press, New York, 261 p.
Conference Proceedings Paper
Prinn, R.G. (1994).
Proceedings of International Symposium on Climate Change and Rice Symposium, International Rice Research Institute
Schmalensee, R. (1994).
Environment Strategy America 1994/95, W. Reilly (editor), Campden, London, England, pp. 16-17
Journal Article
Schmalensee, R. (1994).
J. of Economic Literature, 32: 738-741
Skolnikoff, E.B. (1993).
Council on Foreign Relations, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 336 p.
Journal Article
Schmalensee, R. (1993).
J. of Economic Perspectives, 7(4): 3 [Read Full Article]
Journal Article
Eltahir, E.A.B., and R. L. Bras (1993).
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 119: 779-793 [Read Full Article]
Eckaus, R.S. (1993).
Trade, Innovation and the Environment, Carlo Carrera (ed.), pp. 283-300
Journal Article
Schmalensee, R. (1993).
Energy Journal, 14(1): 245-256 [Read Full Article]
Schmalensee, R. (1992).
Global Climate Change: The Economic Costs of Mitigation and Adaptation, J.C. White (ed.), Springer, New York, pp. 73-76
Journal Article
Stone, P.H. (1992).
Technology Review, 95(2): 32-40 [Read Full Article]
