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In this video, high school student Jada Abdalati explores how a carbon tax could help accelerate a transition to a low-carbon future that better positions the world to meet long-term climate change goals. Guest experts include MIT Joint Program Co-Director Emeritus John Reilly. The video won...

In November inflation hit a 39-year high in the United States. The consumer price index was up 6.8 percent from the previous year, due to major increases in the cost of rent, food, motor vehicles, gasoline and other common household expenses. While inflation impacts the entire country, its...

Analysis led by MIT Joint Program Deputy Director C. Adam Schlosser identifies the scope and severity of storm and flood risks to key U.S. petrochemical industry facilities in Texas and Louisiana (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists)
The Houston Ship Channel winds through the city's colossal industrial landscape of tanks filled with chemicals. (Glasshouse Images)
A Bulletin investigation by Tristan Baurick

The parts of the planet being measured are our land and ocean surfaces: what we call global average surface temperatures. (Featuring guest expert C. Adam Schlosser, deputy director of the MIT Joint Program) (MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative)

New results show North Atlantic hurricanes have increased in frequency over the last 150 years (Coverage: Washington Post, Reuters)
When forecasting how storms may change in the future, it helps to know something about their past. Judging from historical records dating back to the 1850s, hurricanes in the North Atlantic have become more frequent over the last 150 years.

Findings in study co-authored by Joint Program Senior Research Scientist Stephanie Dutkiewicz could improve accuracy of climate change projections (Univ. of Rhode Island)
Media Contact:
Todd McLeish 401-874-2116
Posted on November 17, 2021

A delegation from MIT traveled to Glasgow for COP26, where international negotiators sought to keep global climate goals on track (MIT Office of the Vice President for Research)
After a one-year delay caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, negotiators from nearly 200 countries met this month in Glasgow, Scotland, at COP26, the United Nations climate change conference, to hammer out a new global agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for climate impacts. A...

Online events highlight progress with new climate planning bodies, campus improvements, and involvement of all parts of the MIT community
Two recent online events related to MIT’s ambitious new climate action plan highlighted several areas of progress, including uses of the campus as a real-life testbed for climate impact research, the creation of new planning bodies with opportunities for input from all parts of the MIT community...

At the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow in early November, former MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change Visiting Scientist Dina Yahya delivered the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Brunei...