News + Media

Recent Event
MIT News | Oct 01, 2012
MIT symposium highlights women’s increasing leadership in energy research, industry and government.
Female leaders are playing a growing role in advancing the development of clean-energy technologies, helping to advance plans for carbon reduction, reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions,...

In The News
Link to Article | Sep 24, 2012
By: Washington Post/Associated Press
The issue:
People love to talk about the weather, especially...

Recent Event
MIT News | Sep 18, 2012
Atmospheric science pioneer Susan Solomon speaks on past environmental accomplishments, technology’s role and how history should be our guide to meeting today’s global challenges.
By: Vicki Ekstrom
Few can speak with as much authority on the topic of environmental success as Susan Solomon.
An MIT...

MIT News | Sep 17, 2012
Study estimates rate of intensification of extreme tropical rainfall with global warming.
By: Jennifer Chu, MIT News Office
Extreme precipitation in the tropics comes in many forms: thunderstorm complexes, flood-inducing monsoons and wide-sweeping cyclones like the recent Hurricane Isaac.
Sep 13, 2012
Susan Solomon, the Ellen Swallow Richards Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Science, discusses "The World's Chemistry In Our Hands: Global Environmental Challenges Past and Future" as part of the MIT School of Science's Dean Colloquium Series.

In The News
Globe and Mail | Sep 11, 2012
By: Michael Vaughan
Two interesting issues that in the banality of the U.S. presidential campaign will likely never be discussed:
1. the extent of the sea ice covering the Arctic Ocean is now the smallest observed in the three decades since consistent satellite observations of the polar cap began...

News Release
MIT News | Sep 10, 2012
MIT researchers have built a model that will be further developed as part of an NSF-funded project to track how chemicals get to remote Arctic environments.
By: Vicki Ekstrom
Listen to researcher Noelle Selin on Alaska's KNOM radio...

In The News
Discovery News | Sep 07, 2012
By: Kieran Mulvaney
As we approach the peak of this year's hurricane season, one question...

In The News
Bloomberg BNA | Aug 28, 2012
By Ari Natter
WASHINGTON, D.C.--A tax on carbon dioxide emissions could raise $1.5 trillion, according to a Massachusetts Institute of Technology report that said the revenue could be used to stave off budget cuts as Congress seeks to...

News Release
Aug 27, 2012
MIT researchers show a carbon tax could help raise the money needed to slash the deficit, improve the economy and secure America’s clean energy future.
With the nation’s borrowing limit looming, Washington is struggling to find a solution to America’s mounting debt. The Bi-Partisan Tax Commission laid out the harsh reality in a 2010 report: Closing the deficit would require both tax increases and cuts to social programs such as Medicare,...