News + Media

Apr 22, 2013

In this Faculty Forum Online broadcast, Knittel discussed his studies of consumer and company reactions to energy price fluctuations and the implications of this work for effective environmental policies.

john reilly
WBUR | Apr 16, 2013
Introduction Of all the uncertainties climate change presents, its impact on the production and distribution of food is one of the greatest. We are already feeling the effects: 2012 was a bad year for farmers, with droughts and erratic weather decimating crops and pushing up global food prices....
Apr 08, 2013

John Reilly speaks at Northeastern's Open Classroom on Agriculture, Changing Climate, and Sustainable Food Production.

Apr 05, 2013

America Abroad host Madeleine Brand and Henry Jacoby discuss the impact that shale gas -- extracted by the method known as "fracking"-- has had on American energy policy.

Recent Event
Link to Article | Mar 19, 2013
First workshop convened high-ranking Chinese environmental officials and experts from top government, university and research offices. The MIT-Tsinghua China Energy and Climate Project held a workshop on Tuesday March 12 to kick off a landmark study on the impact of China’s vehicle emissions and...
In The News
Washington Post | Mar 14, 2013
On Tuesday, four Democrats in Congress unveiled a brand-new proposal for a carbon tax. The set-up is simple: The U.S....
USA Today | Mar 05, 2013

Before we spend much more government money pushing energy efficiency, we need more rigorous analysis to identify where consumers are systematically making mistakes and how large these mistakes are.

In his State of the Union, President Obama set a goal to "cut in half the energy...

Researcher Highlight
MIT News | Mar 04, 2013
President Barack Obama announced today that he intends to nominate MIT’s Ernest J. Moniz to head the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Moniz is the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics and Engineering Systems, as well as the director of the MIT Energy...
Student Spotlight
Mar 02, 2013

Paul Kishimoto is intrigued by the question: How will we sustain the ways we move? To answer that, he’s tackled an issue of great uncertainty and concern—specifically regarding China’s transportation future. 

In The News
Washington Post | Feb 23, 2013
By Brad Plumer February 22, 2013 What’s the best way to curtail gasoline consumption? Economists tend to agree on the answer here: Higher gas taxes at the pump are more effective than stricter fuel-economy standards for cars and trucks. Much more effective, in fact. A...
