Focus Areas:
- Managed Resources
- Energy Transition
- Earth Systems
- Natural Ecosystems
- Policy Scenarios
- Climate Policy
Within the MIT Integrated Global System Model (IGSM) framework, economic activity is simulated with the Economic Projection and Policy Analysis (EPPA) model and terrestrial biogeochemistry is simulated with the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM). This project focuses on enhancements to the EPPA and TEM components of the IGSM that will allow study of the dynamic interactions of greenhouse gas emissions and land-use activities so as to consider more fully their complex linkages. Improvements in EPPA and TEM will allow us to study the implications for emissions of greenhouse gases, agricultural production, carbon storage as it is affected by climate, tropospheric management, the role of biomass energy, and how changing land-use practices and agricultural production will affect greenhouse gas emissions. Within the EPPA model, this project will improve the disaggregation of the "agriculture" sector by disaggregating the industrial food sector to separate food processing. Another key aspect of this project is to improve as necessary the EPPA biomass technology. We are also investigating the introduction of a managed carbon sequestration activity that would convert crop or pasture land to forest land if there are sufficient economic incentives for carbon storage. With regard to the TEM, this project extends the ongoing work on natural ecosystems to improve the representation of carbon sequestration mechanisms and methane and nitrous oxide dynamics in managed ecosystems within the model. Particular focus is on wetlands and their role in methane emissions and on the nitrogen and agriculture management is considered.