Publications: Webster, Mort D.
Morris, J., V. Srikrishnan, M. Webster and J. Reilly
Energy Journal, 39(1), 10.5547/01956574.39.1.jmor [Download]
Morris, J., M. Webster and J. Reilly (2016).
Joint Program Report Series, May, 20 p. [Download]
Morris, J., M. Webster and J. Reilly (2014).
Joint Program Report Series, 28 p. [Download]
Felgenhauer, T. and M. Webster (2014).
Global Environmental Change, 23(6): 1556-1565
Parpas, P. and M. Webster (2013).
Automatica, 49(6): 1663–1671 [Download]
Webster, M., P. Donohoo and B. Palmintier (2013).
Nature Climate Change, 3, 1029–1032
Reilly, J., S. Paltsev, K. Strzepek, N.E. Selin, Y. Cai, K.-M. Nam, E. Monier, S. Dutkiewicz, J. Scott, M. Webster and A. Sokolov (2012).
Joint Program Report Series, 21 pages [Download]
Reilly, J., S. Paltsev, K. Strzepek, N.E. Selin, Y. Cai, K-M. Nam, E. Monier, S. Dutkiewicz, J. Scott, M. Webster and A. Sokolov
Climatic Change, Volume 117, Issue 3, pp 561–573 [Download]
Webster, M.D., N.R. Santen and P. Parpas (2012).
Computational Management Science, 9(3): 339-362 [Read Full Article]
Webster, M., A.P. Sokolov, J.M. Reilly, C.E. Forest, S. Paltsev, A. Schlosser, C. Wang, D. Kicklighter, M. Sarofim, J. Melillo, R.G. Prinn and H.D. Jacoby (2012).
Climatic Change, 112(3-4): 569-583 [Read Full Article]
Sun, L., M. Webster, G. McGaughey, E.C. McDonald-Buller, T. Thompson, R. Prinn, A.D. Ellerman and D.T. Allen (2012).
Environmental Science & Technology, 46(10): 5607-5615 [Download]
Alhajeri, N.S., P. Donohoo, A.S. Stillwell, C.W. King, M.D. Webster, M.E. Webber and D.T. Allen (2011).
Environmental Research Letters, 6(4): 044018 [Download]
Moniz, E., H. Jacoby, A. Meggs, R. Armstrong, D. Cohn, J. Deutch, G. Kaufman, M. Kenderdine, F. O'Sullivan, S. Paltsev, J. Parsons, I. Perez-Arriaga, J. Reilly and M. Webster (2011).
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Energy Initiative, June [Read Full Article]
Webster, M., S. Paltsev and J. Reilly (2010).
Energy Policy, 38(4): 1787-1796 [Download]
Webster, M., I. Sue Wing and L. Jakobovits (2010).
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 59(3): 250-259 [Read Full Article]