Publications: Paltsev, Sergey

Journal Article

Gurgel, A.C., S. Paltsev and G.V. Breviglieri (2019).
Energy and Development Economics, 1-18 (doi:10.1017/S1355770X1900007X)

Joint Program Technical Note
TN #17

Ghandi, A. and S. Paltsev (2019).
Joint Program Technical Note, February, 26 p. [Download]

Joint Program Report
Report 334

Hong, W-H., H-C. Chai, Y-H. H. Chen, J.M. Reilly and S. Paltsev (2019).
Joint Program Report Series, February, 11 p. [Download]

Special Report

Paltsev, S., M. Mehling, N. Winchester, J. Morris and K. Ledvina (2018).
MIT Joint Program Special Report, [Download]

Special Report

Paltsev, S., M. Mehling, N. Winchester, J. Morris and K. Ledvina (2018).
MIT Joint Program Special Report, [Download]

Journal Article
Reprint 2018-17

Kat, B., S. Paltsev and M. Yuan (2018).
Energy Policy, 122(November): 84-96 (doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.07.030)

Joint Program Report
Report 332

Kat, B., S. Paltsev and M. Yuan (2018).
Joint Program Report Series, July, 17 p. [Download]

Journal Article

Makarov, I.A., H. Chen, and S. Paltsev (2018).
Voprosy Ekonomiki (Economic Issues; Russian), 4: 76–94 (doi:10.32609/0042-8736-2018-4-76-94)

Joint Program Report
Report 330

Paltsev, S., A. Sokolov, X. Gao and M. Haigh (2018).
Joint Program Report Series, March, 10 p. [Download]

Working Paper

Nicolas, C., Y-H.H. Chen, J. Morris, N. Winchester and S. Paltsev (2018).

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2018-5

Monier, E., S. Paltsev, A. Sokolov, Y.-H.H. Chen, X. Gao, Q. Ejaz, E. Couzo, C. Schlosser, S. Dutkiewicz, C. Fant, J. Scott, D. Kicklighter, J. Morris, H. Jacoby, R. Prinn and M. Haigh  (2018).
Nature Communications, 9, 660 (doi:10.1038/s41467-018-02984-9) [Download]

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2018-4

Kleinberg, R.L., S. Paltsev, C.K.E. Ebinger, D.A. Hobbs and T. Boersma (2018).
Energy Economics, 70, 70-83 (doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2017.11.018) [Download]

Joint Program Report
Report 324

Makarov, I., Y.-H.H. Chen and S. Paltsev (2017).
Joint Program Report Series, December, 16 p. [Download]

Joint Program Report
Report 323

Chai, H.-C., W.-H. Hong, J.M. Reilly, S. Paltsev and Y.-H. Chen (2017).
Joint Program Report Series, November, 22 p. [Download]

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2017-14

Monier, E., D. Kicklighter, A. Sokolov, Q. Zhuang, I. Sokolik, R. Lawford, M. Kappas, S. Paltsev and P. Groisman (2017).
Environmental Research Letters, 12(8): 083001 (doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa7aae) [Download]
