Publications: Regional Analysis

Journal Article
 • China Energy & Climate Project

Hu, G., X. Ou, Q. Zhang and V.J. Karplus (2013).
Desalination and Water Treatment, 2013: 1 -- 11 [Read Full Article]

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-35

Knopf, B., Y.-H.H. Chen, E. De Cian, H. Forster, A. Kanudia, I. Karkatsouli, I. Keppo, T. Koljonen, K. Schumacher and D.P. van Vuuren (2013).
Climate Change Economics, 4(Suppl. 1): 1340001 [Download]

Journal Article
 • China Energy & Climate Project

Nam, K.-M., C.J. Waugh, S. Paltsev, J.M. Reilly and V.J. Karplus (2013).
Global Environmental Change, 23(6): 1648–1661 [Read Full Article]

Conference Proceedings Paper

Hallgren, W. and U.B. Gunturu (2013).
Conference Proceedings, European Geophysical Union General Assembly (Vienna, April 7–12) Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-12445

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-27

Winchester, N., D. McConnachie, C. Wollersheim and I.A. Waitz (2013).
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 58(2013): 116–128 [Download]

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-19

Henderson, J., C. Rodgers, R. Jones, J. Smith, K. Strzepek and J. Martinich (2013).
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, doi: 10.1007/s11027-013-9483-x [Download]

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-34

De Cian, E., I. Keppo, J. Bollen, S. Carrara, H. Fí¶rster, M. Hí¼bler, A. Kanudia, S. Paltsev, R.D. Sands and Katja Schumacher (2013).
Climate Change Economics, 4(Suppl. 1): 1340002 [Download]

Conference Proceedings Paper
 • China Energy & Climate Project

Qi, T., N. Winchester, V. Karplus and X. Zhang (2013).
Conference Proceedings, GTAP 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Shanghai, June 12–14) GTAP Paper 4160 [Read Full Article]

Conference Proceedings Paper
 • China Energy & Climate Project

Springmann, M., D. Zhang, V. Karplus and X. Zhang (2013).
Conference Proceedings, GTAP 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Shanghai, June 12–14) GTAP Paper 4150

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-22

Blanc, É. and E. Strobl (2013).
The World Bank Economic Review, doi: 10.1093/wber/lht026 [Read Full Article]

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-13

Jacoby, H.D. and S. Paltsev (2013).
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 69(2): 34-43 [Read Full Article]

Journal Article
 • China Energy & Climate Project

Karplus, V.J. (2013).
Nature Climate Change, 3: 703–704 [Read Full Article]

Conference Proceedings Paper

Monier, E., A.P. Sokolov, C.A. Schlosser, X. Gao and J. Scott (2013).
Conference Proceedings, American Meteorological Society 25th Conference on Climate Variability and Change (Austin, TX, January 5–10) [Read Full Article]

Conference Proceedings Paper

Monier, E., A. Sokolov and J. Scott (2013).
Conference Proceedings, European Geophysical Union General Assembly (Vienna, April 7–12) Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-6686
