News + Media

Sep 26, 2021

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News Release
MIT News | Sep 24, 2021
Modeling tool showcases emerging MIT Joint Program research focus on multi-sector dynamics

Over a 36-hour period in August, Hurricane Henri delivered record rainfall in New York City, where an aging storm-sewer system was not built to handle the deluge, resulting in street flooding.

Around Campus
MIT News | Sep 24, 2021

The researchers hope scientists and regulators will consider a broader class of compounds in evaluating cancer risk due to PAH exposure.

Whenever organic matter is burned, such as in a wildfire, a power plant, a car’s exhaust, or in daily cooking, the combustion releases polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) — a class of pollutants that is known to cause lung cancer.

In The News
TBS eFM Radio (Seoul) | Sep 17, 2021

Joint Program Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev explores prospects for decarbonizing EVs (TBS eFM Radio (Seoul))

Around Campus

Professors Noelle Selin and Anne White will co-chair the Climate Nucleus, charged with managing and implementing MIT’s new plan

In May, responding to the world’s accelerating climate crisis, MIT issued an ambitious new plan, “Fast Forward: MIT’s Climate Action Plan for the Decade.” The plan outlines a broad array of new and expanded initiatives across campus to build on the Institute’s longstanding climate work.

Around Campus

Fiore brings a breadth of expertise in climate science, atmospheric chemistry, and air pollution to MIT (Related: School of Science welcomes new faculty)

The MIT Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) has named atmospheric chemist Arlene Fiore the Peter H. Stone and Paola Malanotte Stone Professor in Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. Her chair began on July 1.

News Brief
Aug 20, 2021
The economics of adaptation for rail, roads and coastal development

From the abstract:

Changes in temperature, precipitation, sea level and coastal storms will likely increase the vulnerability of infrastructure across the USA. Using models that analyze vulnerability, impacts and adaptation, this paper estimates impacts to railroad, roads, and coastal...
