News + Media

In The News
Washington Post | Apr 25, 2012
There are two ways to think about the cost of energy. There’s the dollar amount that shows up on our utility bills or at the pump. And then there’s the “social cost” — all the adverse consequences that various energy sources, from coal to nuclear power, end up foisting on the public.
Apr 23, 2012

New York Times’ Andrew Revkin shares lessons with MIT faculty, students at Earth Day colloquium.

Apr 21, 2012

From the high Himalayas to the poles, the world’s glaciers are melting. What does this mean for your community and our shared Earth? David Breashears presents his stunning new images of the Himalayan glaciers to mark the MIT Museum’s opening of its special exhibition by GlacierWorks: Rivers of...

Recent Event
MIT News | Apr 20, 2012
Toyota’s Tom Stricker shares his view with MIT students, faculty Video: Watch the event
Apr 18, 2012

As gasoline prices continue to remain high, with the nationwide average jumping 19 cents a gallon in March, Americans and automakers alike are investing in alternatives. But what’s the most effective way forward for the auto industry? Toyota’s Tom Stricker — the company's Vice President,...

rivers of ice exhibit
Recent Event
MIT News | Apr 17, 2012
With the advisement of several Joint Program on Global Change researchers—including the co-director Ron Prinn and co-director emeritus Jake Jacoby—the MIT Museum opened a new exhibition “Rivers of Ice: Vanishing Glaciers of the...
Recent Event
MIT News | Apr 13, 2012

MIT researchers join Boston Globe panel in weighing climate risks and resolutions.

In an effort to share what is known, what isn't, and what can and cannot be done about climate change, MIT's John Reilly and Kerry Emanuel joined UMass Amherst researchers as part of a "Global Warning" panel convened by The Boston Globe.
In The News
LA Times | Mar 27, 2012

Proposed new emissions standards would limit carbon dioxide produced by new power plants, which would probably prohibit construction of any coal-fired facilities.

The Obama administration proposed rules limiting carbon dioxide emissions from new power plants, a move that could essentially bar new coal-fired electric generation facilities. Howard Herzog comments.
News Release
MIT News | Mar 26, 2012

CLPs Peter Littlewood talks with MIT researchers and students about the country’s strengths and the United States’s opportunity to embrace them.

Just weeks after an MIT report showed fast-growing nations such as China and India would drive energy growth over the next half century, the Institute received a visit from a leading company powering that growth.

MIT News | Mar 21, 2012
'Weather in a tank' demonstration helps students grasp fluid dynamics.By: Jennifer Chu, MIT News Office Fluid dynamics plays a central role in determining Earth's climate. Ocean currents and eddies stir up contents from the deep, while atmospheric winds and weather systems steer temperature and...
