News + Media

News Release
Apr 12, 2018
Joint Program Research Scientist Kenneth Strzepek highlights need for collaborative solutions on Tufts Water: Systems, Science and Society Symposium panel

Panel Summary Day Zero: Water Crisis South Africa from the WSSS Symposium, April 6 2018

Around Campus
MIT News | Apr 11, 2018

Interactions among microorganisms account for nitrite accumulation just below the sunlit zone, with implications for oceanic carbon and nitrogen cycling

Lauren Hinkel | Oceans at MIT  April 10, 2018

Nitrogen is a hot commodity in the surface ocean. Primary producers including phytoplankton and other microorganisms consume and transform it into organic molecules to build biomass, while others transform inorganic forms to access their...

News Release
MIT News | Apr 06, 2018
Several different carbon-pricing approaches would help reduce emissions, and some would be fair as well, researchers report

David L. Chandler | MIT News Office  April 6, 2018

Putting a price on carbon, in the form of a fee or tax on the use of fossil fuels, coupled with returning the generated revenue to the public in one form or another, can be an effective way to curb emissions of greenhouse gases. That’s...

Nature Climate Change | Apr 05, 2018

If successful, China could lead the next generation of global carbon markets in developing and industrializing countries. A commentary in the journal Nature Climate Change co-authored by Sloan School of Management Asst. Prof. Valerie Karplus, faculty affiliate of the Joint Program 

Photo: Coal-fired electric plant, Henan Province, China (Source: 

V.T. Polywoda)

Around Campus
MIT News | Apr 04, 2018

Researchers celebrate women in environmental sciences and engineering--including former Joint Program research associate Megan LIckley--at the MIT Museum’s Girls Day

Lauren Hinkel | Oceans at MIT  April 3, 2018

In The News
Energy Collective | Mar 28, 2018

EnergyCollective: Joint Program Report used in Shell scenario shows how massive reforestation could make it possible to cap global warming at 1.5°C 

March 28, 2018 by David Hone 

Over the past few months I have been deeply involved with my colleagues in the Shell Scenario team preparing a new scenario that illustrates a technically possible but challenging pathway for society to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change...

Mar 09, 2018

John Reilly, Co-Director, MIT Joint Program

Around Campus
Science | Mar 08, 2018

In Science article, Joint Program-affiliated researchers maintain that such linkage could incent more ambitious climate action

Science  02 Mar 2018: Vol. 359, Issue 6379, pp. 997-998 DOI: 10.1126/science.aar5988


Feb 27, 2018

Sergey Paltsev, MIT Joint Program Deputy Director discusses the future global energy mix - from enerWE on Vimeo.

News Release
Feb 27, 2018
New method could sharpen international climate policy design

When many of us think about carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, we picture smokestacks from power plants or factories. But climate policy designers see emissions not only in ephemeral gases at the point of origin, but also in tangible objects at the point of sale or trade.
