News + Media

In The News • China Energy & Climate Project
Technology Review | Nov 09, 2018

A more flexible, responsive grid is needed to boost renewable electricity in China, says Joint Program faculty affiliate Valerie Karplus (Technology Review)

But are the country’s next-generation power lines a clean-power play or a global power move?

by James Temple

November 8, 2018

News Release
Nov 06, 2018
MIT Joint Program researchers to present advanced modeling approaches at AGU Fall Meeting

Seventeen researchers and affiliates of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change plan to deliver or contribute to 10 oral and poster presentations at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2018 Fall Meeting on December 10-14 in Washington, D.C.

Nov 02, 2018


Erez Yoeli (MIT Sloan)



In The News
Wired | Nov 02, 2018

In Wired, CEEPR Director/Joint Program affiliate Christopher Knittel comments on the benefits of carbon taxes and the challenges of implementing them

On paper, carbon capture is a simple proposition: Take carbon that we’ve pulled out of the Earth in the form of coal and oil and put into the atmosphere, and pull it out of the atmosphere and put it back in the Earth. It’s like hitting undo on the Industrial Revolution. And scientists can indeed...

Around Campus
MIT News | Nov 02, 2018

Toxin will accumulate in the environment, particularly in remote regions, as countries delay implementing emissions controls

Jennifer Chu | MIT News Office  November 1, 2018

Mercury is an incredibly stubborn toxin. Once it is emitted from the smokestacks of coal-fired power plants, among other sources, the gas can drift through the atmosphere for up to a year before settling into oceans and lakes. It can then...

Nov 01, 2018

New method enables a more comprehensive assessment of the impact of climate change on agriculture

Nov 01, 2018

New modeling strategy could improve understanding of complex multi-sector interactions with the Earth system and provide a powerful risk assessment tool

Andrew Wheeler_WEB.jpg
In The News
WITF | Oct 26, 2018

MIT Joint Program Co-Director John Reilly explains why U.S. power sector emissions declined in 2017 despite regulation rollbacks (WITF)


Written by Reid Frazier/StateImpact Pennsylvania | Oct 25, 2018 12:18 PM

At an oil and gas conference in Pittsburgh Wednesday, Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler touted the Trump administration's moves to roll back over 70 environmental regulations, telling the crowd the...

In The News
Oct 25, 2018
Joint Program Co-Director John Reilly explains how a carbon tax in America would play out (The Atlantic)

An economist and policy experts respond to a natural-gas worker’s worries that the fight against climate change will hurt Americans like him.
