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In The News • China Energy & Climate Project
chinadialogue | Jul 25, 2016

Faster electricity market reform is needed to harness more wind and speed up a shift from coal, two experts tell chinadialogue

China has roughly one third of global installed wind energy capacity, while the US has 17%. Yet China uses less wind-powered electricity than the US. What is going wrong?
In The News
MIT News | Jul 22, 2016

MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society research from the Technology and Policy Program highlights multidisciplinary approaches to data-driven policies

Major challenges across all of the domains addressed by MIT's Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) incorporate fundamentally intertwined elements of...
In The News
National Geographic | Jul 20, 2016
As Super Typhoon Nepartak hits Taiwan and China, National Geographic asks tropical cyclone expert Kerry Emanuel how these tempests form, and what risk they pose to people.
Around Campus
MIT News | Jul 20, 2016
This spring, a five-day MIT Professional Education course — Agriculture, Innovation and the Environment — showcased innovative technologies and strategies to make the agriculture industry more productive, and attracted a score of professionals from all over the world.  
News Release
Jul 15, 2016
Joint Program Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev presents keynote talk at EcoMod 2016

On July 6, MIT Joint Program Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev was a keynote speaker at the International Conference on Economic Modeling, EcoMod 2016, in Lisbon, Portugal. EcoMod is the world’s leading research, advisory and educational nonprofit network focused on promoting advanced modeling and...

In The News
The Straits Times | Jul 11, 2016

A new study in Journal of Climate shows that burning coal could result in less rainfall and raise water stress in some countries - especially in developing Asia.

The warming effects of burning coal are well known, and studies have shown that using the dirtiest fossil fuel around can cause cooling, too. This is not good news, though. A new study, by Singapore scientists, shows that the cooling could result in less rainfall and raise water stress in some...
News Release
Jul 07, 2016
New approach tracks key factors affecting crop yields, enabling early adaptation

To assess the likely impact of climate change on U.S. agriculture, researchers typically run a combination of climate and crop models that project how yields of maize, wheat and other key crops will change over time. But the suite of models commonly used in these simulations, which account for a...

New York Times | Jul 07, 2016

Joint Program Research Associate Howard Herzog makes the case for carbon capture and sequestration

To adequately address climate change concerns, we will need to radically alter our energy systems to eliminate practically all carbon dioxide emissions. In analyzing the different technology options, the important measure of comparison is how much emissions reductions can be achieved and at what...
Around Campus
MIT News | Jun 30, 2016
Scientists at MIT and elsewhere have identified the “first fingerprints of healing” of the Antarctic ozone layer, published today in the journal Science.
Around Campus
MIT News | Jun 24, 2016
Around the world, scientists are observing evidence of climate change — record high temperatures, rising sea levels, and melting ice sheets. But new research from MIT’s...
