Joint Program In the News

Around Campus
MIT News | Oct 26, 2015
Detailed climate simulation shows a threshold of survivability could be crossed without mitigation measures.

See article in the New York Times

David L. Chandler | MIT News Office


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Within this century, parts of the Persian Gulf region...

Around Campus
MIT News | Oct 21, 2015
Hundreds of millions sought for low-carbon research; advocacy for carbon pricing; a call to the alumni and beyond

MIT News Office


MIT is launching a multifaceted five-year plan aimed at fighting climate change, representing a new phase in the Institute’s commitment to an issue that, the plan says, “demands society’s urgent attention.”

Citing “overwhelming” scientific evidence, ...

Around Campus
MIT News | Oct 19, 2015
Institute-wide initiative aims to address environmental issues at all scales, from campuswide to worldwide.

by David L. Chandler | MIT News

John E. Fernandez, a professor of building technology in the Department of Architecture, has been named as the new director of MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative (ESI), a campuswide initiative launched in 2014. Fernandez succeeds Susan Solomon, the...

Around Campus
MIT News | Oct 16, 2015
Study finds pledges by top greenhouse gas emitters leaves little room for others; urges greater R&D.

by Jennifer Chu | MIT News Office

Over two weeks in December, delegates from virtually every country in the world will gather in Paris for the 21st annual United Nations Climate Change Conference. Their ambitious goal: to hammer out a binding international agreement on climate action....

Around Campus
MIT News | Oct 07, 2015
Solar panel system wins $10,000 prize for technology that makes energy and water more accessible in the developing world


Vicki Ekstrom | Laur Fisher | MIT Climate CoLab

Solar panel system wins $10,000 prize for technology that makes energy and water more accessible in the developing world

An MIT initiative is using the global crowd to help solve climate change. And with the United...

Commentary • China Energy & Climate Project
ChinaFAQs | Sep 29, 2015
In ChinaFAQs column, Valerie Karplus assesses joint statement on emissions reductions

The latest Obama-Xi announcement sends a strong message: the two nations are acting fast to enable a global low carbon transition. Friday’s joint announcement is an...

NY Times | Sep 29, 2015
MIT researchers explain how technical analysis can avoid potential conflict.

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — On the Blue Nile in Ethiopia, construction is underway on a public works project of gigantic physical proportions and exquisite political delicacy. The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, now about halfway finished, amounts to a test: With water becoming precious enough to be the...

In The News • China Energy & Climate Project
Link to Article | Sep 21, 2015
On eve of summit with President Obama, see Valerie Karplus in Columbia University panel discussion on meeting China's climate goals today at 12:30-2:00 pm.

On the eve of President Xi's visit to the US and summit with President Obama, Professor Karplus participated in the panel discussion on Meeting China’s Climate Goals at Columbia University today, September 21, 2015, at 12:30-2:00 p.m. David Sandalow, Inaugural Fellow, Center on...

Around Campus
MIT News | Sep 11, 2015
Study: Pattern of winners and losers explains U.S. policy on fuel subsidies.

Peter Dizikes | MIT News Office

The politics of climate change are often depicted as a simple battle, between environmentalists and particular industries, over government policy. That’s not wrong, but it’s only a rough sketch of the matter. Now a paper co-authored by MIT economist...

Around Campus
MIT News | Sep 08, 2015
A new study describes how irrigation development modifies local and regional climate.

Kelsey Damrad | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

With approximately 70 percent of all freshwater consumption worldwide used for agriculture, the reliance on large-scale irrigation development continues to spread and ultimately augments crop yields in many regions.

