News + Media: Earth Systems

In The News
J-WAFS | Jan 10, 2017
Researcher Highlight
Dec 27, 2016
Photo: On December 12 - 16, several MIT Joint Program researchers and affiliates plan to share recent findings at the AGU’s 2016 Fall Meeting in San Francisco. (Source: AGU)
News Release
Dec 12, 2016

In 17 talks and posters, Joint Program researchers present global and regional analyses at the AGU’s annual fall meeting

Dec 09, 2016

Ron Prinn discusses his work on the Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment with MIT's Industrial Liason Program.

Source: NASA Earth Observatory
News Release
Nov 23, 2016

Accounting for year-to-year variability enables more accurate projections of climate change and its impacts

Around Campus
MIT News | Nov 15, 2016
