News + Media: Earth Systems

Around Campus
MIT News | Apr 28, 2016
News Release
Apr 27, 2016

Aerosol emissions would slow warming but suppress rainfall

Apr 21, 2016

At the United Nations conference on climate change in Paris in December 2015, 195 countries adopted the first legally binding global climate deal. A key point of discussion was the issue of responsibility. This press conference presents new research assessing the extent to which some developed and developing nations are to blame for climate change, from emissions to temperature increase contributions. This media briefing will also shed light on what the Paris agreement, and its global mean temperature limits of 2°C and 1.5°C, means for the Earth system, from glacier mass change to sea-level rise.

News Release
Apr 21, 2016

MIT study projects end-of-century climate under different scenarios

Apr 15, 2016

A new study points to the risk that China and India will be facing severe water shortages by 2050 due to a perfect storm of economic growth, climate change, and fast growing populations. Joint Program Deputy Director Adam Schlosser comments on the future of water stress in Asia.

In The News
MIT News | Mar 30, 2016
