Rigby, Matthew

Matthew Rigby
Research Affiliate, CGCS
NERC Advanced Research Fellow, University of Bristol, UK


University of Bristol, UK


Research Interests
The Advanced Global Atmospheric Gasses Experiment (AGAGE) makes high precision, high frequency measurements of atmospheric trace gas at several points around the world. I am interested in using these measurements, along with computer models of atmospheric transport and chemistry, to investigate the sources and sinks of some important "greenhouse" gases.


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Education + Credentials
Ph.D., Atmospheric Physics, Imperial College, London, UK, 2007
M.S., Physics, Clare College, Cambridge University

Recent Publications

Journal Article
Wang, Y., M. An, L.M. Western, R.G. Prinn, J. Hu, X. Zhao, M. Rigby, J. Mühle, M.K. Vollmer, R.F. Weiss and B. Yao   (2024). Environmental Science & Technology, 58(26), 11606–11614 (doi: 10.1021/acs.est.3c10325)
Journal Article
An, M., R.G. Prinn, L. M. Western, B. Yao, X. Zhao, J. Kim, J. Mühle, W. Chi, C.M. Harth, J. Hu, A.L. Ganesan and M. Rigby (2024). PNAS, 121(30) (doi: 10.1073/pnas.2400168121)
Journal Article
An, M., R.G. Prinn, L.M. Western, X. Zhao, B. Yao, J. Hu, A.L. Ganesan, J. Muhle, R.F. Weiss, P. B. Krummel, S. O'Doherty, D. Young and M. Rigby (2024). Nature Communications, 15(1997) (doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-46084-3)
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Lunt, M.F., M. Rigby, A.L. Ganesan, A.J. Manning, R.G. Prinn, S. O'Doherty, J. Mühle, C.M. Harth, P.K. Salameh, T. Arnold, R.F. Weiss, T. Saito, Y. Yokouchi, P.B. Krummel, L.P. Steele, P.J. Fraser, S. Li, S. Park, S. Reimann, M.K. Vollmer, C. Lunder, O. Hermansen, N. Schmidbauer, M. Maione, J. Arduini, D. Young and P.G. Simmonds (2015). PNAS, 112(19): 5927–5931 [PDF]
Journal Article
Rigby, M., R.G. Prinn, S. O'Doherty, B.R. Miller, D. Ivy, J. Mühle, C.M. Harth, P.K. Salameh, T. Arnold, R.F. Weiss, P.B. Krummel, L.P. Steele, P.J. Fraser, D. Young and P.G. Simmonds (2014). Geophysical Research Letters, 41(7): 2623–2630 (doi: 10.1002/2013GL059099)

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