Siemens World Energy Conference, Road to Daegu

Siemens World Energy Conference, Road to Daegu
Jul 09, 2013

John was joined by Tom Kuhn, President of the Edison Electric Institute; Jim Robo, President and CEO, NextEra Energy; Michael Suess, CEO, Siemens Energy; Randy Zwirn, CEO, Siemens Energy Service Division, and CEO, Siemens Energy Americas. 

About the Panel

Affordability, security and sustainability are the three goals most countries are pursuing when it comes to their energy supply.  In the U.S., there is a strong focus on affordability, and energy prices have always been low compared to international levels.  And this is even more so today than ever before:  The country’s “shale revolution” is slashing natural gas prices to all-time lows.

But can the U.S. achieve both goals – affordability and sustainability? This was the opening question at our third Round Table discussion with Michael Süß, this time held at the headquarters of Florida Power & Light in Juno Beach, Florida...  

For John Reilly, Senior Lecturer at the renowned Sloan School of Management of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the efforts being undertaken in the U.S. on behalf of the environment aren’t enough. “We are a wealthy society in the U.S. and don’t have a real affordability problem in regard to energy prices – but what we can’t afford is not to be sustainable.”...