Research on the Natural Variability of Climate and the Impact on Anthropogenic Forcing on Climate

Archive Project
Research on the Natural Variability of Climate and the Impact on Anthropogenic Forcing on Climate

Focus Areas: 

  • Earth Systems

This project is focused on the development and testing of ocean models to be used in coupled atmosphere-ocean climate models at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and also in stand-alone experiments to improve our understanding of, and ability to model climate change. Two general areas of the effort are: (1) the preparation of the Atmospheric Model E coupled to the HYCOM ocean model to be used in simulations of climate change for the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; and (2) testing of the turbulence model in experiments with the GFDL MOM stand-alone ocean general circulation model (OGCM), and improvement of the turbulent mixing scheme and the representation of mesoscale eddies in the ocean mixed layer of the GISS coupled atmosphere-ocean climate model.

Funding Sources

Project Leaders

CGCS; Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences