Publications: Schafer, Andreas

Journal Article

Reiner, D.M., and A. Schafer (2000).
Climatic Change, 46: 217-224

Working Paper

Schafer, A. (2000).
Transportation Research Record, TRR paper no. 2000-1182, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC [Read Full Article]

Conference Proceedings Paper

Schafer, A., S. Kypreos, L. Barreto Gomez, H.D. Jacoby and P. Dietrich (1999).
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference in Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies,

Journal Article

Schafer, A., and D. Victor (1999).
Energy-The International Journal, 24(8): 657-679 [Read Full Article]

Journal Article

Schafer, A., and D. Victor (1997).
Scientific American, Oct., 56-59 [Read Full Article]
