Publications: Gao, Xiang
Tian, H., . . ., X. Gao, C.A. Schlosser, A. Sokolov and A. Gurgel
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, GC45C-07
Sandeep, C., X. Gao and Q. Zhu
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, B16D-02
Schlosser, C.A., C. Frankenfeld, S. Eastham, X. Gao, A. Gurgel, A. McCluskey, J. Morris, S. Orzach, K. Rouge, S. Paltsev and J. Reilly
Joint Program Report Series, September, 27 p. [Download]
Gao, X. and C.A. Schlosser
Joint Program Report Series, March, 7 p. [Download]
Schlosser, C.A., A. Sokolov, k. Strzepek, T. Thomas, X. Gao and C. Arndt
Climatic Change, 168(28) (doi: 10.1007/s10584-021-03235-5)
Paltsev, S., A. Sokolov, X. Gao and M. Haigh
World Scientific Encyclopedia of Climate Change, Ch. 38, pp. 333-339 (doi: 10.1142/9789811213946_0039)
Gao, X. and S. Mathur
Journal of Climate, 34(17): 7181–7198 (doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0137.1)
Gao, X. and S. Mathur
Joint Program Report Series, June, 20 p. [Download]
Gao, X., A. Avramov, E. Saikawa and C.A. Schlosser
Journal of Hydrometeorology, 22(2) (doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-20-0043.1)
Schlosser, C.A., A. Sokolov, K. Strzepek, T. Thomas, X. Gao and C. Arndt
Joint Program Report Series, [Download]
Gao, X., A. Avramov, E. Saikawa and C.A. Schlosser
Joint Program Report, February, 31 p. [Download]
Gao, X., C.A. Schlosser, C. Fant and K. Strzepek
Environmental Research Letters, 13(6) (doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aaca9e)
Sokolov, A., D. Kicklighter, C.A. Schlosser, C. Wang, E. Monier, B. Brown-Steiner, R. Prinn, C. Forest, X. Gao, A. Libardoni and S. Eastham
AGU Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems , 10(8), 1759-1789 (doi: 10.1029/2018MS001277) [Download]
Gao, X., C.A. Schlosser, C. Fant and K. Strzepek
Environmental Research Letters, 13(6):4039 (doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aaca9e) [Download]
Gao, X. and C.A. Schlosser
Climate Dynamics, online first (doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4209-0)