Peer-Reviewed Research

Journal articles and book chapters.

Conference Proceedings Paper
Forest, C.E., M.D. Webster, J.M. Reilly, A.P. Sokolov, P.H. Stone, H.D. Jacoby and R.G. Prinn (2002).
Conference Proceedings, American Meteorological Society 13th Symposium on Global Change and Climate Variations [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2002-3
Webster, M.D., M.H. Babiker, M. Mayer, J.M. Reilly, J. Harnisch, R. Hyman, M.C. Sarofim and C. Wang (2002).
Atmospheric Environment, 36(22): 3659-3670 [Download]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Forest, C.E., P.H. Stone and A.P. Sokolov (2002).
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 4: EGS02-A-01959 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2002-2
Webster, M.D. (2002).
Energy Journal, 23(2): 97-119 [Download]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Huang, B., P.H. Stone, A.P. Sokolov and I.V. Kamenkovich (2002).
Eos Transactions, 83(47): GC21B-0165 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2002-5
Babiker, M.H., H.D. Jacoby, J.M. Reilly and D.M. Reiner (2002).
Environmental Science and Policy, 5(3): 195-206 [Download]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2002-8
Reilly, J., M. Mayer and J. Harnisch (2002).
Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 7(4):217-229 [Read Full Article]
Journal Article
Scott, J., and J. Marotzke (2002).
J. of Physical Oceanography, 32: 3578-3595
Conference Proceedings Paper
Huang, B., P.H. Stone and C. Hill (2002).
Eos Transactions, 83(4): OS31Q-07 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2002-9
Lucarini, V. (2002).
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 8(5): 413-422 [Download]
Journal Article
Gurney, K.R., R.M. Law, A.S. Denning, P.J. Rayner, D. Baker, R. Bousquet, Y.-H. Chen, et al. (2002).
Nature, 415: 626-630 [Read Full Article]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Dalan, F., P.H. Stone and A. Sokolov (2002).
Eos Transactions, 83(47): OS22A-0244 [Read Full Article]
Journal Article
Bugnion, V., and P.H. Stone (2002).
Climate Dynamics, 20: 87-106 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2002-1
Forest, C.E., P.H. Stone, A.P. Sokolov, M.R. Allen and M. Webster (2002).
Science, 295(5552): 113-117 [Download]
