Peer-Reviewed Research

Journal articles and book chapters.

Conference Proceedings Paper
Reilly, J. (2007).
Understanding Multiple Environmental Stresses: Report of a Workshop, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Council, 2007 Washington DC: pp. 114-122 [Read Full Article]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Prinn, R.G., and J. Huang (2007).
Eos Transactions, AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract A52A-02 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2007-21
Felzer, B.S., T. Cronin, J.M. Reilly, J.M. Melillo & X. Wang (2007).
C. R. Geosciences, 339(11-12): 784-798 [Download]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Felzer, B.S., T.W. Cronin, J.M. Melillo, D.W. Kicklighter and C.A. Schlosser (2007).
Eos Transactions, AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract B22B-03 [Read Full Article]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Tan, Q., and R.G. Prinn (2007).
Eos Transactions, AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract A21B-0439 [Read Full Article]
Journal Article
Mikaloff Fletcher, S.E., N.P. Gruber, A.R. Jacobson, S.C. Doney, S. Dutkiewicz, M. Gerber, M. Follows, F. Joos, K. Lindsay, D. Menemenlis, A. Mouchet, S.A. Muller and J. Sarmiento (2007).
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21(1): GB1010 [Read Full Article]
Journal Article
Prinn, R., J.M. Reilly, M. Sarofim, C. Wang & B. Felzer (2007).
Human-Induced Climate Change: An Interdisciplinary Assessment, M. Schlesinger, H. Kheshgi, J. Smith, F. de la Chesnay, J. Reilly, T. Wilson, C. Kolstad (editors), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK; Chapter 8, pp. 93-102 [Download]
Joint Program Reprint, Book/Chapter
Reprint 2007-15
Prinn, R., J.M. Reilly, M. Sarofim, C. Wang & B. Felzer (2007).
Human-Induced Climate Change: An Interdisciplinary Assessment, M. Schlesinger, H. Kheshgi, J. Smith, F. de la Chesnay, J. Reilly, T. Wilson, C. Kolstad (editors), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK; Chapter 8, pp. 93-102 [Download]
Journal Article
Follows, M.J., S. Dutkiewicz, S. Grant and S.W. Chisholm (2007).
Science, 315: 1843-1846 [Read Full Article]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Dutkiewicz, S., M.J. Follows, S. Grant, J. Bragg and S.W. Chisholm (2007).
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9: 04612 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2007-13
Stott, P.A. & C.E. Forest (2007).
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 365: 2028-2052 [Download]
Journal Article
Emanuel, K. (2007).
Journal of Climate, 20(22): 5497-5509 [Read Full Article]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Forest, C., A. Sokolov, P. Stone and P. Stott (2007).
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9: 07155 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2007-10
Webster, M., J. Scott, A. Sokolov & P. Stone (2007).
Journal of Environmental Systems, 31(1): 1-21 [Download]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Alvarado, M., and R.G. Prinn (2007).
Eos Transactions, AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract A33A-0827 [Read Full Article]
