All Publications

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2005-1
Ellerman, A.D. (2005).
Energy Policy, 33(18): 2411-2412 [Download]
McGuire, A.D., M. Apps, F.S. Chapin III, ..., D. Kicklighter, ..., J. Melillo, ..., Q. Zhuang et al. (2005).
Land Change Science: Observing, Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth's Surface, G. Gutman et al. (eds.), Kluwer: Dordrecht, Netherlands, Chapter 9, pp. 139-161
Journal Article
Prinn, R.G., and S. Dorling (2005).
Environmental Management, October: 37-40
Journal Article
Babiker, M.H. (2005).
J. of International Economics, 65(2): 421-445 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2005-3
Babiker, M.H. (2005).
Journal of International Economics, 65(2): 421-445 [Read Full Article]
Skolnikoff, E.B. (2005).
Annual Invited Amilcar Herrera Lecture, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands, 8 November [Read Full Article]
Journal Article
Hageback, J., J. Sundberg, M. Ostwald, D. Chen, X. Yun and P. Knutsson (2005).
Climatic Change, 72(1-2): 189-212 [Read Full Article]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Hodson, E., R. Prinn, S. O'Doherty, P. Simmonds, S. Montzka (2005).
Conference Proceedings, Proceedings of the Air & Waste Management Association 98th Annual Conference (Minneapolis, MN, 23 June), Abstract #61 [Read Full Article]
Emanuel, K.A. (2005).
Oxford University Press, New York, 304 pp.
Journal Article
Chay, K., and M. Greenstone (2005).
J. of Political Economy, 113(2): 376-424 [Read Full Article]
Journal Article
Prinn, R.G., J. Huang, R. Weiss, D. Cunnold, P. Fraser, P. Simmonds, A. McCulloch, C. Harth, S. Reimann, P. Salameh, S. O'Doherty, R.H.J. Wang, L. Porter, B.R. Miller and P. Krummel (2005).
Geophysical Research Letters, 32: L07809 [Read Full Article]
Journal Article
Felzer, B., J. Reilly, J. Melillo, D. Kicklighter, M. Sarofim, C. Wang, R. Prinn and Q. Zhuang (2005).
Climatic Change, 73(3): 345-373 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2005-8
Felzer, B., J. Reilly, J. Melillo, D. Kicklighter, M. Sarofim, C. Wang, R. Prinn and Q. Zhuang (2005).
Climatic Change, 73(3): 345-373 [Read Full Article]
