All Publications

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-12
Rigby, M., R.G. Prinn, S. O'Doherty, S.A. Montzka, A. McCulloch, C.M. Harth, J. Muhle, P.K. Salameh, R.F. Weiss, D. Young, P.G. Simmonds, B.D. Hall, G.S. Dutton, D. Nance, D.J. Moneel, J.W. Elkins, P.B. Krummel, L.P. Steele and P.J. Fraser (2013).
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13: 2691-2702 [Download]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-16
Liu, Y., Q. Zhuang, M. Chen, Z. Pan, N. Tchebakova, A. Sokolov, D. Kicklighter, J. Melillo, A. Sirin, G. Zhou, Y. He, J. Chen, L. Bowling, D. Miralles and E. Parfenova (2013).
Global and Planetary Change, 108(85–99) [Download]
Journal Article
Zhang, Q., M. Chen, K. Xu, J. Tang, E. Saikawa, Y. Lu, J. Melillo and D. McGuire (2013).
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, doi: 10.1002/gbc.20057
Conference Proceedings Paper
 • China Energy & Climate Project
Zhang, D., J. Caron, N. Winchester and V. Karplus (2013).
Conference Proceedings, GTAP 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Shanghai, June 12–14) GTAP Paper 4095 [Read Full Article]
Conference Proceedings Paper
 • China Energy & Climate Project
Paltsev, S., F. O'Sullivan and Q. Ejaz (2013).
Conference Proceedings, GTAP 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Shanghai, June 12–14) GTAP Paper 4223 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-4
Karplus, V.J., S. Paltsev, M. Babiker and J.M. Reilly (2013).
Energy Economics, 36: 322-333 [Download]
Conference Proceedings Paper
 • China Energy & Climate Project
Nam, K.-M., C. Waugh, S. Paltsev, J. Reilly and V. Karplus (2013).
Conference Proceedings, GTAP 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Shanghai, June 12–14) GTAP Paper 4143 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Working Paper
Reprint 2013-7
Robinson, S., K. Strzepek and R. Cervigni (2013).
Ethiopia Strategy Support Program II Working Paper 53, IFPRI ESSP WP 53
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-1
Winchester, N., C. Wollersheim, R. Clewlow, N.C. Jost, S. Paltsev, J.M. Reilly and I.A. Waitz (2013).
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 47(1):1-15 [Download]
Journal Article
Blanc, É. and N. Winchester (2013).
Journal of Travel Research, 52(3): 353–363
Conference Proceedings Paper
Ejaz, Q. and F. O'Sullivan (2013).
Conference Proceedings, 15th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (September 2–5, Madrid) Mathematics of Planet Earth: Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences, 2014: 607–611 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-37
Ganesan, A.L., A. Chatterjee, R.G. Prinn, C.M. Harth, P.K. Salameh, A.J. Manning, B.D. Hall, J. Mühle, L.K. Meredith, R.F. Weiss, S. O'Doherty and D. Young (2013).
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13: 10633–10644 [Download]
Journal Article
Kirschke, S., P. Bousquet, P. Ciais, M. Saunois, J.G. Canadell, E.J. Dlugokencky, P. Bergamaschi, D. Bergmann, D.R. Blake, L. Bruhwiler, P. Cameron-Smith, S. Castaldi, F. Chevallier, L. Feng, A. Fraser, M. Heimann, E.L. Hodson, S. Houweling, B. Josse, P.J. Fraser, P.B. Krummel, J.-F. Lamarque, R.L. Langenfelds, C. LeQuéré, V. Naik, S. O'Doherty, P.I. Palmer, I. Pison, D. Plummer, B. Poulter, R.G. Prinn, M. Rigby, B. Ringeval, M. Santini, M. Schmidt, D.T. Shindell, I.J. Simpson, R. Spahni, et al. (2013).
Nature Geoscience, online first, doi:10.1038/ngeo1955 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2013-25
Strzepek, K., M. Jacobsen, B. Boehlert and J. Neumann (2013).
Environmental Research Letters, 8(4): 044014 [Download]
