All Publications

Journal Article
Sorman, A.H., X. Garcia-Muros, C. Pizarro-Irizar and M. Gonzalez-Eguino (2020).
Energy Research & Social Science, 64 (101414) (doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2019.101414)
Journal Article
Mulvaney, K., N.E. Selin, A. Giang, M. Muntean, C-T Li, D. Zhang, H. Angot, C.P. Thackray and V. Karplus (2020).
Environmental Science and Technology, online first (doi: 10.1021/acs.est.9b06741)
Journal Article
Paltsev, S.  (2020).
Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, 9(1), 43-62
Joint Program Report
Report 340
Dietz, S. and B. Lanz (2020).
Joint Program Report Series, February, 15 p. [Download]
Journal Article
Blanc, E. (2020).
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology , Volume 284 (107828) (doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107828)
Journal Article
 • China Energy & Climate Project
Karplus, V.J., X. Shen and D. Zhang (2020).
The Energy Journal, 41(4) (doi: 10.5547/01956574.41.4.vkar)
Journal Article
Wells, M.L., B. Karlson, A. Wulff, R. Kudela, V. Asnaghi, E. Berdalet, W. Cochlan, K. Davidson, M. De Rijcke, S. Dutkiewicz, G. Hallegraeff, K. J. Flynn, H. Paerl, C. Legrand, J. Silke, S. Suikkanen, P. Thompson, V. Trainer and C. Trick (2019).
Harmful Algae, online first (doi: 10.1016/j.hal.2019.101632)
Student Dissertation or Thesis
Gadzanku, S. (2019).
MS Thesis, MIT Institute for Data, Systems and Society [Download]
Student Dissertation or Thesis
Li, M. (2019).
PhD Thesis, MIT Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences [Download]
Joint Program Report
Report 339
Landry, E., C.A. Schlosser, Y.-H.H. Chen, J. Reilly and A. Sokolov (2019).
Joint Program Report, 72 p., December [Download]
Journal Article
Winchester, N. and J.M. Reilly (2019).
Energy Economics, online first (doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2019.104596)
Journal Article
Libardoni, A.G., C.E. Forest, A.P. Sokolov and E. Monier (2019).
Geophysical Research Letters , 46(16), 10000-10007 (doi: 10.1029/2019GL082442)
Journal Article
Grobler, C., P.J. Wolfe, K. Dasadhikari, I.C. Dedoussi, F. Allroggen, R.L. Speth, S.D. Eastham, A. Agarwal, M.D. Staples, J. Sabnis and S.R.H. Barrett (2019).
Environmental Research Letters, 14, 114031
Journal Article
Chai, H.-C., W.-H. Hong, J.M. Reilly, S. Paltsev and Y.-H.H. Chen] (2019).
Climate Change Economics, online first (doi: 10.1142/S2010007819500179)
Joint Program Report
Report 338
Tapia-Ahumada, K.D., J. Reilly, M. Yuan and K. Strzepek (2019).
Joint Program Report Series, September, 22 p. [Download]
