All Publications

Conference Proceedings Paper
Prinn, R.G., H. Jacoby, A. Sokolov, C. Wang, Z. Yang, R. Eckaus, P. Stone, A.D. Ellerman, J. Fitzmaurice, G. Holian, Y. Liu, X. Xiao, J.M. Melillo and D. Kicklighter (1997).
Eos Transactions, 78(46), Abstract A51G-05
Joint Program Report
Report 25
Wang, C., and R.G. Prinn (1997).
Joint Program Report Series, 20 pages [Download]
Journal Article
Skolnikoff, E.B. (1997).
Toray Business Research, 7 (Nos. 8, 9)
Journal Article
Xiao, X., D.W. Kicklighter, J.M. Melillo, A.D. McGuire, P.H. Stone and A.P. Sokolov (1997).
Tellus B, 49: 18-37 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 1997-3
Xiao,X., D. Kicklighter, J. Melillo, A.D. McGuire, P. Stone and A. Sokolov (1997).
Tellus, 49B: 18-37 [Download]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Webster, M.D., and A.P. Sokolov (1997).
Eos Transactions, 78(46): 135, abstract A51G-10
Journal Article
Schafer, A., and D. Victor (1997).
Scientific American, Oct., 56-59 [Read Full Article]
Journal Article
Pan, W., M. Tatang, R. Prinn and G. McRae (1997).
J. of Geophysical Research, 102: 21,915-21,924 [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Report
Report 23
Sokolov, A.P., C. Wang, G. Holian, P.H. Stone and R.G. Prinn (1997).
Joint Program Report Series, 4 pages [Download]
Conference Proceedings Paper
Jacoby, H.D., R. Schmalensee and D.M. Reiner (1997).
Conference Volume, IPIEC Symposium on the Critical Issues in the Economics of Climate Change B.P. Flannery et al. (eds.) [Read Full Article]
Joint Program Reprint, Book/Chapter
Reprint 1997-2
Jacoby, H.D., R. Schmalensee and D.M. Reiner (1997).
Critical Issues in the Economics of Climate Change, B. Flannery et al. (editors), International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association, London [Download]
Jacoby, H.D., R. Schmalensee and D.M. Reiner (1997).
Critical Issues in the Economics of Climate Change, B. Flannery et al. (editors), International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association, London [Download]
Joint Program Report
Report 15
Eckaus, R.S., H.D. Jacoby, A.D. Ellerman, W. Leung and Z. Yang (1996).
Joint Program Report Series, 16 pages [Download]
Joint Program Report
Report 16
Pfaff, A. (1996).
Joint Program Report Series, 46 pages [Download]
Joint Program Report
Report 13
Schmalensee, R. (1996).
Joint Program Report Series, 16 pages [Download]
