Publications: Energy Transition

Joint Program Reprint, Book/Chapter
Reprint 2009-22

Paltsev, S., J. Reilly and A. Gurgel (2009).
The Biofuels Market: Current Situation and Alternative Scenarios, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Report UNCTAD/DITC/BCC/2009, United Nations, Geneva and New York, Chapter 2, pp. 15-27 [Download]

Joint Program Reprint, Book/Chapter
Reprint 2009-18

Reilly, J., and S. Paltsev (2009).
Economic Analysis of Land Use in Global Climate Change Policy, T. Hertel, S. Rose, R. Tol (Editors), Routledge, UK, pp. 184-207

Joint Program Reprint, Book/Chapter
Reprint 2009-23

Paltsev, S., J. Reilly and A. Gurgel (2009).
The Biofuels Market: Current Situation and Alternative Scenarios, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Report UNCTAD/DITC/BCC/2009, United Nations, Geneva and New York, Chapter 3, pp. 29-50 [Download]


Sue Wing, Ian (2009).
International Handbook of the Economics of Energy, Evans, J., and L.C. Hunt (eds.), Edward Elgar, Chapter 14

Student Dissertation or Thesis

Karplus, V. (2008).
Master of Science Thesis, Technology and Policy Program, and Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT [Download]

Student Dissertation or Thesis

Anderson, J.D. (2008).
Master of Science Thesis, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT [Download]

Joint Program Report
Report 158

McFarland, J.R., S. Paltsev & H.D. Jacoby (2008).
Joint Program Report Series, April, 35 p. [Download]

Joint Program Report
Report 155

Gurgel, A., J. Reilly & S. Paltsev (2008).
Joint Program Report Series, 40 pages [Download]

Joint Program Report
Report 154

Sandoval, R., V.J. Karplus, S. Paltsev and J. Reilly (2008).
Joint Program Report Series, 22 pages [Download]

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2008-15

Antoine, B., A. Gurgel and J.M. Reilly (2008).
Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, 6(2): Article 5 [Read Full Article]

Working Paper

Zhang, X., and J.E. Parsons (2008).
MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research Working Paper, WP-2008-001, January [Read Full Article]

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2008-6

Asadoorian, M.O., R.S. Eckaus & C.A. Schlosser (2008).
Energy Economics, 30(4): 1577-1602 [Read Full Article]

Journal Article

Asadoorian, M.O., R.S. Eckaus and C.A. Schlosser (2008).
Energy Economics, 30(4): 1577-1602 [Read Full Article]

Joint Program Reprint, Journal Article
Reprint 2008-7

Sue Wing, I. (2008).
Resource and Energy Economics, 30(1): 21-49 [Read Full Article]

Conference Proceedings Paper

Eltahir, E.A., and J.M. Winter (2008).
Eos Transactions AGU, 89(23), Joint Assembly Supplement, Abstract U41B-06
