Publications: Regional Analysis

Conference Proceedings Paper

An, M., L. Western, R. Prinn et al.  (2023).
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, A24F-03

Conference Proceedings Paper

Xu, Y., . . . and R. Prinn (2023).
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Board 0873

Conference Proceedings Paper

Odunola, T., ..., K. Strzepek, et al. (2023).
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Board 1877

Conference Proceedings Paper

Strzepek, K.M. and K. Boukin (2023).
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, NH21A-04

Conference Proceedings Paper

Strzepek, K.M. and K. Boukin (2023).
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, H31DD-09

Conference Proceedings Paper

Chen, Y., S.D. Eastham and N.E. Selin (2023).
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, GC21C-04

Conference Proceedings Paper

Schlosser, C.A., C. Fant, X. Gao, A, Sokolov, A. Gurgel and J. Morris (2023).
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, GC31B-05

Conference Proceedings Paper

Gurgel, A., K. Narayan, X. Gao, C.R. Vernon, J. Morris, C.A. Schlosser, J. Reilly and S. Paltsev (2023).
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting,

Journal Article

White, D. and N. Winchester (2023).
Australian Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics, (doi: 10.1111/1467-8489.12534)

Special Report

Woolacott, J., . . . , J. McFarland, S. Paltsev, M. Yuan, et al.  (2023).
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act - Documentation of the USREP-ReEDS Model Analysis

Journal Article

Picciano, P., Q. Minghao, S.D. Eastham, M. Yuan, J. Reilly and N.E. Selin (2023).
Nature Communications, 14, 5543 (doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-41131-x)


Strzepek, K., Brent Boehlert, et al. (main contributors) (2023).
World Bank,

Joint Program Report
Report 368

Schlosser, C.A., A. Sokolov, X. Gao, T. Thomas and K. Strzepek (2023).
Joint Program Report Series, August, 23 p. [Download]

Joint Program Report
Report 367

Lin, G., A. Gurgel and J.M. Reilly (2023).
Joint Program Report Series, July, 8 p. [Download]

Journal Article

Bistline, J., G. Blanford, M. Brown, . . . , M. Yuan and A. Zhao (2023).
Science, 380(6652) (doi: 10.1126/science.adg3781)
