Publications: Climate Policy

Journal Article

Morris, J. J. Reilly, S. Paltsev, A. Sokolov and K. Cox (2022).
Earth's Future, 10(4) (doi: 10.1029/2021EF002239)

Joint Program Report
Report 360

Chen, Y.-H.H., S. Paltsev, A. Gurgel, J.M. Reilly and J. Morris (2022).
Joint Program Report Series, June, 54 p. [Download]

Joint Program Report
Report 357

C. Adam Schlosser, Sara Uzquiano Perez, and Andrei Sokolov (2022).
Joint Program Report Series, February, 23 p. [Download]

Journal Article

Morris, J., D. Hone, M. Haigh, A. Sokolov and S. Paltsev (2022).
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 25, 31-61 (doi: 10.1007/s10018-021-00339-1)

Journal Article

García-Muros, X., J. Morris and S. Paltsev (2022).
Energy Economics, 105 (105769) (doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105769)


J. Caron (2022).
Handbook on Trade Policy and Climate Change, J. Caron, contributor; Michael Jakob, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) and Ecologic Institute, editor

Journal Article

Schlosser, C.A., A. Sokolov, k. Strzepek, T. Thomas, X. Gao and C. Arndt (2021).
Climatic Change, 168(28) (doi: 10.1007/s10584-021-03235-5)

Journal Article

Neumann, J.E., P. Chinowsky, J. Helman, M. Black, C. Fant, K. Strzepek and J. Martinich (2021).
Climatic Change, 166 (44) (doi: 10.1007/s10584-021-03179-w)

Joint Program Technical Note
TN #19

Tapia-Ahumada, K.D. (2021).
Joint Program Technical Note, July, 26 p. [Download]

Joint Program Report
Report 355

Paltsev, S., A. Gurgel, J. Morris, H. Chen, S. Dey and S. Marwah (2021).
Joint Program Report Series, September, 32 p. [Download]

Student Dissertation or Thesis

Smith, E.E. (2021).
MS Thesis, MIT Institute for Data, Systems and Society, [Download]

Journal Article

Paltsev, S., J. Morris, H. Kheshgi and H. Herzog (2021).
Applied Energy, 300, 117322 (doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117322)

Journal Article

Paltsev, S, A. Ghandi, J. Morris and H. Chen (2021).
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 11(1) (doi: 10.5547/2160-5890.11.1.spal) [Download]


Paltsev, S., A. Sokolov, X. Gao and M. Haigh (2021).
World Scientific Encyclopedia of Climate Change, Ch. 38, pp. 333-339 (doi: 10.1142/9789811213946_0039)


Paltsev, S. and A. Sokolov (2021).
World Scientific Encyclopedia of Climate Change, Ch. 25, pp. 235-241 (doi: 10.1142/9789811213953_0025)
