Learning through the international joint venture: lessons from the experience of China's automotive sector

Journal Article
Learning through the international joint venture: lessons from the experience of China's automotive sector
Nam, K.-M. (2011)
Industrial and Corporate Change, 20(3): 855-907


This study explores why international joint ventures (IJVs) based on the global South may meet with only partial success in nurturing local technological capability. The experience of China’s passenger-vehicle sector demonstrates that in the existence of a substantial technological capability gap between alliance partners, the IJV arrangement is likely to create a “passive” learning mode, and learners using this IJV arrangement may be able to strengthen their production capability but leaving their project execution and innovation capabilities largely undeveloped.


Nam, K.-M. (2011): Learning through the international joint venture: lessons from the experience of China's automotive sector. Industrial and Corporate Change, 20(3): 855-907 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtr015)
  • Journal Article
Learning through the international joint venture: lessons from the experience of China's automotive sector

Nam, K.-M.


This study explores why international joint ventures (IJVs) based on the global South may meet with only partial success in nurturing local technological capability. The experience of China’s passenger-vehicle sector demonstrates that in the existence of a substantial technological capability gap between alliance partners, the IJV arrangement is likely to create a “passive” learning mode, and learners using this IJV arrangement may be able to strengthen their production capability but leaving their project execution and innovation capabilities largely undeveloped.