Informing climate policy given incommensurable benefits estimates

Joint Program Reprint • Journal Article
Informing climate policy given incommensurable benefits estimates
Jacoby, H.D. (2004)
Global Environmental Change Part A, 14(3): 287-279

Reprint 2004-7 [Read Full Article]


The determination of long-term goals for climate policy, or of near-term mitigation effort, requires a shared conception among nations of what is at stake. Unfortunately, because of different attitudes to risk, problems of valuing non-market effects, and disagreements about aggregation across rich and poor nations, no single benefit measure is possible that can provide commonly accepted basis for judgment. In response to this circumstance, a portfolio of estimates is recommended, including global variables that can be represented in probabilistic terms, regional impacts expressed in natural units, and integrated monetary valuation. Development of such a portfolio is a research task, and the needed program of work suggested.

© 2004 Elsevier Ltd


Jacoby, H.D. (2004): Informing climate policy given incommensurable benefits estimates. Global Environmental Change Part A, 14(3): 287-279 (
  • Joint Program Reprint
  • Journal Article
Informing climate policy given incommensurable benefits estimates

Jacoby, H.D.


The determination of long-term goals for climate policy, or of near-term mitigation effort, requires a shared conception among nations of what is at stake. Unfortunately, because of different attitudes to risk, problems of valuing non-market effects, and disagreements about aggregation across rich and poor nations, no single benefit measure is possible that can provide commonly accepted basis for judgment. In response to this circumstance, a portfolio of estimates is recommended, including global variables that can be represented in probabilistic terms, regional impacts expressed in natural units, and integrated monetary valuation. Development of such a portfolio is a research task, and the needed program of work suggested.

© 2004 Elsevier Ltd


Informing Climate Policy Given Incommensurable Benefits Estimates