Impacts of Air Pollutant Caps on Climate: Could Policies Designed to Address Air Pollution Impact Climate?

Journal Article
Impacts of Air Pollutant Caps on Climate: Could Policies Designed to Address Air Pollution Impact Climate?
Prinn, R.G. (2005)
CONCAWE Review, 14(2): 4-8


Air quality and climate are closely connected because of common atmospheric chemistry and shared generating processes. For example, ozone gas and sulphuric acid particles are not only common air pollutants but also contribute respectively to global warming and cooling. Could policies designed to address air pollution impact upon climate?

©2005 CONCAVE review


Prinn, R.G. (2005): Impacts of Air Pollutant Caps on Climate: Could Policies Designed to Address Air Pollution Impact Climate?. CONCAWE Review, 14(2): 4-8 (
  • Journal Article
Impacts of Air Pollutant Caps on Climate: Could Policies Designed to Address Air Pollution Impact Climate?

Prinn, R.G.

14(2): 4-8


Air quality and climate are closely connected because of common atmospheric chemistry and shared generating processes. For example, ozone gas and sulphuric acid particles are not only common air pollutants but also contribute respectively to global warming and cooling. Could policies designed to address air pollution impact upon climate?

©2005 CONCAVE review