U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Active Projects

Focus Areas:
Earth Systems, Policy Scenarios, Climate Policy

The case for real-time, high-frequency measurement networks is very strong, and AGAGE observations and their interpretation are recognized widely for their importance to ozone depletion and climate change studies—and to verification issues arising from the Montreal Protocol (ozone) and Paris...

Focus Areas:
Earth Systems, Regional Analysis

Atmospheric transport and inversion modeling will be used to assess the role of boreal forests affected by wildfires in the regional carbon budget and global atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Orbiting Carbon Observatory CO2 data and ecosystem model simulated carbon fluxes...

Focus Areas:
Earth Systems, Natural Ecosystems

This project will apply the Darwin ocean ecology model and ECCO-MITgcm estimates of ocean circulation to study the relationship between upper ocean community production, particulate organic carbon export fluxes, interior ocean remineralization, and biological carbon stores, and compare...