News + Media

Around Campus
MIT School of Science | May 20, 2021

MIT professor describes her path to the Institute, her work on ozone depletion, and her insights on the state of climate policy

Susan Solomon, an atmospheric chemist whose work explaining the Antarctic ozone hole informed international policy, has received the 2020-2021 James R. Killian, Jr. Faculty Achievement Award. The highest such honor at the Institute, the award was established in 1971 to honor Killian, who served...

Around Campus
MIT News | May 19, 2021

New results point to unexpected, illegal production of several CFCs in recent years

MIT scientists have found that ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, stay in the atmosphere for a shorter amount of time than previously estimated. Their study suggests that CFCs, which were globally phased out in 2010, should be circulating at much lower concentrations than what has...

Around Campus
MIT News | May 12, 2021

The Institute commits to net-zero emissions by 2026, charts course marshaling all of MIT’s capabilities toward decarbonization

MIT unveils a new action plan to tackle the climate crisis

The Institute commits to net-zero emissions by 2026, charts course marshaling all of MIT’s capabilities toward decarbonization.

David L. Chandler | MIT News Office

Publication Date:

May 12, 2021


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Around Campus

At MIT’s Henry W. Kendall Memorial Lecture, Harvard professor Francesca Dominici illuminates the interplay between air pollution, environmental injustice and Covid-19

Alice McBride | EAPS News

Monday, May 10, 2021

At MIT’s Henry W. Kendall Memorial Lecture, Harvard professor Francesca Dominici illuminates the interplay between air pollution, environmental injustice, and Covid-19.

News Release
MIT Spectrum | May 03, 2021

MIT partners with Cambridge on flood-risk model for local, global benefit (MIT Spectrum)

MIT’S LARGE-SCALE EFFORTS TO PROMOTE SUSTAINABILITY and mitigate the effects of climate change are well known. But while thinking globally, MIT is also acting locally, working to make its own campus more resilient.

“We don’t presume to have all the answers here,” says Brian Goldberg,...

Around Campus
MIT Spectrum | Apr 27, 2021

Janelle Knox-Hayes explores link between values, sustainable practices

JANELLE KNOX-HAYES ISN’T SURE carbon-emissions trading and financial markets are the best solutions to the climate crisis, even though she’s written a book about them. “We’re putting a price on greenhouse gases and pretending the market can solve our problems,” says Knox-Hayes, associate...

In The News
Associated Press | Apr 23, 2021

Joint Program Founding Co-Director Emeritus Henry Jacoby comments (Associated Press) (Related: AP)

WASHINGTON (AP) — It won’t rival Netflix for drama, but 40 world leaders will try to save the planet from ever worsening global warming in a two-day climate summit livestreamed for binge viewing.

While there will be many faces on screen, this will clearly be President Joe Biden’s show.

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News Release
MIT Energy Initiative | Apr 23, 2021

Symposium highlights ambitious goals of MIT–industry research targeting technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (MIT Energy Initiative)

MIT is committed to driving the transition to a low-carbon world, throwing the full weight of its research forces into transformative technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. But “MIT can’t solve climate change alone,” said Maria T. Zuber, MIT's vice president for research and the E....

In The News
NBC News | Apr 22, 2021

If the pandemic revealed what could be considered low-hanging fruit in the climate fight, it also highlighted the sheer scope of the problem. (NBC News)

April 22, 2021, 6:00 AM EDT / Updated April 22, 2021, 9:13 AM EDT

By Denise Chow

In The News
The American Prospect | Apr 20, 2021

A federal energy efficiency and clean electricity standard is doable, but getting one through Congress won’t be easy (The American Prospect)

President Biden’s American Jobs Plan has put the United States on an aggressive path toward a clean electricity standard (CES) that, at least for the moment, is ambitious in scope and vague in the particulars. The administration would require electric utilities to incorporate specified amounts...
