News + Media

News Release
Jun 08, 2022
MIT seminar explores economic feasibility of technology that could play a key role in the energy transition

Direct air capture (DAC) technologies extract carbon dioxide (CO2) directly from the atmosphere. DAC and other carbon-removal technologies may play a key role in global and national efforts to achieve net-zero emissions economies in which the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere is...

Jun 08, 2022

Seminar explores economic feasibility of technology that could play a key role in the energy transition

In The News
WBUR | Jun 08, 2022

To put global climate modeling at the fingertips of local decision-makers, some scientists think it’s time to rethink the system from scratch. Five Joint Program-affiliated researchers will help advance an MIT Climate Grand Challenges flagship project to do just that. (WBUR)

MIT has selected five winners in its inaugural "Climate Grand Challenge," including one researcher who used a massive amount of data to model the world, creating a digital twin of Earth that could help scientists predict how climate change will affect us.

News Release
May 27, 2022
Study lays out roadmap to reach 2030 U.S. climate target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent (Coverage: Washington Post, E&E News)

The latest United Nations IPCC Reports describe how limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels can avert the worst impacts of climate change. That will require global emissions to drop by roughly half over the next decade and reach net-zero emissions near...

In The News

In the United Nations Climate blog Electric Future, MIT Joint Program Deputy Director Sergey Paltsev highlights challenges in making EVs truly emissions-free (UNFCCC)

Believe it or not, if you had been walking through Manhattan in 1900, there is a good chance you would have seen an electric car. Roughly one third of cars on the road in New York back then were electric, while the city’s taxi fleet had thirty electric vehicles (EVs). It was to be a brief heyday...

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Around Campus

Twenty winning projects will link industry member priorities with research groups across campus to develop scalable climate solutions

Molly Chase | Climate and Sustainability Consortium

Publication Date:

May 23, 2022


Around Campus
MIT Energy Inititiative | May 16, 2022

MIT Energy Initiative report supports energy storage paired with renewable energy to achieve clean energy grids

In deeply decarbonized energy systems utilizing high penetrations of variable renewable energy (VRE), energy storage is needed to keep the lights on and the electricity flowing when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing — when generation from these VRE resources is low or demand is...

Around Campus
MIT News | May 13, 2022

Members of three working groups outline latest efforts implementing the ambitious plan, launched last year

In a combined in-person and virtual event on Monday, members of the three working groups established last year under MIT’s “Fast Forward” climate action plan reported on the work they’ve been doing to meet the plan’s goals, including reaching zero direct carbon emissions by 2026.


The Hill | May 09, 2022

Why it's important for U.S. scientists to sustain engagement with their Chinese and Russian peers (The Hill)

Currently, seven astronauts are living on the International Space Station: three Americans, one European and three Russians. They may not agree on much outside the day-to-day management of their vessel, but they must cooperate on that task if they all are to survive. The same is true for us on...

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News Release
MIT News | Apr 25, 2022
Activating a Clean Air Act provision could deliver major climate, health and economic benefits

The most recent United Nations climate change report indicates that without significant action to mitigate global warming, the extent and magnitude of climate impacts—from floods to droughts to the spread of disease—could outpace the world’s ability to adapt to them. The latest effort to...
