News + Media

MIT News | Jun 26, 2007
While Congress considers seven bills that aim to limit America's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, MIT researchers have offered an analysis of the legislation based on a powerful model they created. The MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change applied its model to the seven bills...

Technology Review | May 01, 2007
As the global picture grows grimmer, states and cities are searching for the fine-scale predictions they need to prepare for emergencies--and to keep the faucets running. "The challenge is to increase our capability to accurately forecast climate at the regional level," says Ronald Prinn, an...

Apr 25, 2007
Stephen Schneider reminds policy makers that scientists can't decree what constitutes a perilous increase in global temperatures. - "It's not a scientist's judgment to decide what's dangerous."

MIT News | Mar 29, 2007
A new program to develop computational models of how marine microbes live and evolve in the global ocean has been launched to help researchers understand and simulate the relationships between climate change, marine ecosystems and the ocean carbon cycle. The collaborative effort is led by Mick...

MIT News | Mar 29, 2007
Simulation condenses 10 years' evolution into five days of computing - Scientists at MIT have created an ocean model so realistic that the virtual forests of diverse microscopic plants they "sowed" have grown in population patterns that precisely mimic their real-world counterparts.

U.S. Senate Committee Hearing Transcript | Mar 26, 2007
Dr. Denny Ellerman participated in a Hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources to discuss the progress of the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme and to receive information on lessons learned for policymakers who want to better understand how a market-based...

U.S. House Committe on Ways and Means Hearing | Feb 28, 2007
Prof. Ronald Prinn participated in a Hearing of the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee, the first in a series on energy and tax policy, which focused on climate change. (Hearing transcript.)...

U.S Senate Committee Hearing Transcript | Feb 13, 2007
Prof. Henry Jacoby participated in a Hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on the Stern Review of the Economics of Climate Change, examining the economic impacts of climate change and stabilizing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

In The News
MIT News | Feb 02, 2007
Today's release of a widely anticipated international report on global warming coincides with a growing clamor within the United States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent the potentially devastating consequences of global climate change. "There's clear evidence that greenhouse gases...

Technology Review | Feb 01, 2007
Better models are rapidly defining the uncertainties ahead, says leading climate scientist Ronald Prinn. - The most definitive scientific assessment of global warming to date, a report released earlier this month from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), concluded with "very high...