News + Media

The New York Times - Dot Earth | Jun 09, 2011
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has released “The Future of Natural Gas,” the latest in its valuable series of reports examining global energy choices. The report lays out a path for exploiting this abundant and relatively clean source of energy in ways that could...

MIT News | Jun 09, 2011
With rising energy prices, could coal-to-liquid conversion become an economical fuel option?
Converting coal into liquid fuels is known to be more costly than current energy technologies, both in terms of production costs and the amount of greenhouse gases the process emits. Production of coal-to-...

MIT News | Jun 08, 2011
Researchers find that a federal climate policy would lower total U.S. emissions, but without large reductions in the aviation sector.Aviation is one of the fastest-growing industries worldwide, and with this growth comes a rise in greenhouse gas emissions. An economy-wide cap-and-trade policy...

MIT News | Jun 06, 2011
Hear Noelle Selin discuss air pollution in China on Danish Radio. (Interview in Danish)
How costly are the health damages from air pollution in China?
China has experienced unprecedented development over...

MIT News | May 24, 2011
Press Release:Top economist will work with experts around the world to address global food issues
May 24, 2011 (MILAN) – John M. Reilly, Co-Director of the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, is now the newest member of the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (BCFN)...

Aviation Week | May 20, 2011
by James Ott
Aviation Week, May 20, 2011
A report from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) should be required reading for environmental policymakers. “The Impact of Climate Policy on US Aviation” was issued this week by the Transportation Research Board. It is an independent assessment...

Huffington Post | May 20, 2011
by John Reilly with Henry Jacoby, Ronald Prinn, and Richard SchmalenseeHuffington Post, May 20, 2011...

New York Times | May 19, 2011
New York Times, May 18, 2011
Michael Greenstone and Adam Looney, economists at The Hamilton Project, are releasing a new paper...

MIT News | May 02, 2011
‘Under the Dome’ showcases discovery and innovation; first open house in decades.
Emily Finn, MIT News Office
April 30, 2011
The Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change participated in Saturday's Open House with exhibits in the Energy, Environment and Sustainability Tent...

Full Report | Apr 26, 2011
Nuclear power is poised to grow quickly in some parts of the world and could grow significantly here in the United States. Key decisions are pending, however, on how to structure that growth. MIT has completed a 3-year study on the Future of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle to address two overarching...