News + Media

In The News
WBUR, Here and Now | Oct 30, 2012
Whenever there’s an extreme weather event, from a hurricane to a record drought, the question always arises: Is it climate change? MIT climate scientist Kerry Emanuel told Here & Now's Robin Young that it's hard to know for sure, but it is clear that as coastal waters warm up, storms will carry...
Recent Event
Listen to the Webinar | Oct 30, 2012
The 2012 drought in America brought to light the challenges we face when there isn't sufficient water to cool our nation's power plants. Conventional fossil-fuel and nuclear power plants require water to cool the steam they generate to make electricity. In 2005, power plants accounted for over 40...
In The News
Foreign Affairs | Oct 18, 2012
The policy community has long prophesied about the coming water wars. But don't expect them anytime soon. More likely, tensions over access will merely exacerbate existing regional conflicts. By: Shlomi Dinar, Lucia De Stefano, James Duncan, Kerstin Stahl, Kenneth M. Strzepek, Aaron T. Wolf...
dalai lama
Recent Event
MIT News | Oct 17, 2012
Tibetan Buddhist leader urges a more enlightened view of self-interest in remarks at MIT conference. The Dalai Lama called for increasingly enlightened stewardship of Earth’s environment and resources in public remarks on the MIT campus on Monday. “We have the responsibility to take care of the...
MIT Museum | Oct 16, 2012
Inspired by the response to MIT Museum's popular Rivers of Ice exhibition and ongoing public concerns about the role of science in current political campaigns and policies, the Museum is holding a soap box series of events on...
Oct 16, 2012

Part of the MIT Museum's Climate and Conflict Series, Joint Program Co-Director John Reilly talks about the economics behind climate change and the most cost-effective approaches to confront it.

Recent Event
MIT News | Oct 10, 2012
Representatives of Obama, Romney camps lay out differences in crucial policy domains of energy and the environment. Video: Watch the debate There...
In The News
Maputo — Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the United Nations have warned that Mozambique's infrastructure is vulnerable to extreme weather events that are becoming more frequent due to climate change. According to MIT's Ken Strzepek, "in developing countries -...
Oct 02, 2012

John Sterman, MIT Professor of Management and Director of the System Dynamics Group, discusses what happens when we elect policymakers who don't talk about science. 

This is part of the MIT Museum's Climate and Conflict Series.

News Release
MIT News | Oct 01, 2012
Read more from the Mozambique News Agency. MIT and U.N. researchers team up to tackle some of the heftiest climate change challenges developing countries will face as they confront an uncertain future. Higher...
