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In The News

John Reilly interviewed on PRI's The World

Jason Margolis | PRI’s The World   If you’re in the oil business, you might think your best days are in the rear-view mirror. Oil is selling for rock-bottom prices. Your product is blamed for destroying the planet. And here’s what the leader of the free world thinks of oil.  “We’ve got to...
In The News
Scientific American | Jan 25, 2016

What does global warming mean for extreme snowfall?

Andrea Thompson | Climate Central In case you haven’t heard, Washington, D.C., and other parts of the Mid-Atlantic region, are about to get walloped by a major storm that could...
Jan 19, 2016

B.B. Cael - The 2016 Basics of Climate Science course surveys the fundamentals of climate science, emphasizing radiation and greenhouse gases, the carbon cycle and earth’s heat storage.

Jan 16, 2016

Evaluation of land resources by the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization suggest availability of arable land itself is not a major constraint on food production at least through mid-century, assuming continued yield improvements. There are, however, some wild cards that could vastly impact...

News Release
Jan 15, 2016

Aerosols shown to exert strong influence on the geography of precipitation

News Release
Jan 15, 2016

Challenges of feeding the world

In The News
The Economist | Jan 14, 2016

The largest hydroelectric project in Africa has so far produced only discord

The Economist WHEN Egyptian politicians discussed sabotaging the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in 2013, they naturally assumed it was a private meeting. But amid all the scheming, and with a big chuckle, Muhammad Morsi, then president, informed his colleagues that their discussion was being...
News Release
Jan 05, 2016

Study analyzes role of rainforests, other protected areas in mitigating climate change

News Release
Jan 05, 2016

Joint Program research presented at the AGU’s annual fall meeting

In The News
MIT News | Jan 04, 2016
Benefits from international regulations may double those of domestic policy
