News + Media

Around Campus
MIT News | Jun 24, 2016
Around the world, scientists are observing evidence of climate change — record high temperatures, rising sea levels, and melting ice sheets. But new research from MIT’s...
In The News
MIT News | Jun 20, 2016

New research may explain why sea temperatures around Antarctica haven’t risen as much as surface temperatures around the globe

Around the globe, ocean surface temperatures have been rising due to global warming, but the seas around Antarctica haven’t changed much. Now, researchers may have discovered why.
News Release • China Energy & Climate Project
MIT News | Jun 20, 2016

Study: China could go big on wind power — if it adjusts its grid operations

China has an opportunity to massively increase its use of wind power — if it properly integrates wind into its existing power system, according to a newly published MIT study.
In The News
Washington Post | Jun 20, 2016
MIT Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Professor Kerry Emanuel comments on the potential climate change implications of the anticipated opening of the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Watts Bar reactor, which is expected to generate enough electricity to power 650,000 homes.
In The News
MIT News | Jun 14, 2016
MIT researchers demonstrate new approach to designing location-specific emissions-control measures
In The News
Voice of America | Jun 07, 2016
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed support for the enactment of the Paris climate agreement this year in a meeting Tuesday at the White House. Support for the agreement falls short of a commitment to ratify that U.S. President Barack Obama had been hoping for.
In The News
MIT Spectrum | Jun 06, 2016
Modeling the diverse world of phytoplankton opens up a predictive view of our own
Hurricane Javier (Source: NASA/JPL)
In The News
Bloomberg | Jun 06, 2016
Climate scientists disagree on the impact of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation—a 25-to-40-year cycle of cooling and warming of the Atlantic Ocean—on the frequency of hurricanes. Some expect the AMO to drive cooler sea surface temperatures and fewer hurricanes in coming decades, but others do...
In The News
MIT News | May 27, 2016

Joint Program faculty model health benefits, economic costs of energy and climate policies

Research from MIT's Institute for Data, Systems, and Society uses data and models to better design and predict the outcomes of technologies and policies in the critical area of energy and environmental sustainability.
In The News
Washington Post | May 26, 2016

Joint Program Research Associate Howard Herzog on the future of carbon capture and sequestration

On the path to a low-carbon economy, most experts agree that a variety of strategies will be needed, from the dramatic expansion of wind and solar power to electrification or better biofuels for cars and planes. Some technologies remain more controversial than others, however. Carbon capture and...
