News + Media

From left: Kieran Setiya, Kerry Emanuel, Janelle Knox-Hayes, Nathan Phillips (speaking), and Susan Silbey. Photo by Casey Atkins.
Around Campus
MIT News | Nov 22, 2016

Why it so hard for human beings to address climate change? What can motivate effective action? 

The ethical challenges presented by climate change and the question of what individuals — and academic institutions like MIT — can do to affect change drew approximately 250 people to Morss Hall at MIT on Thursday, Nov. 17 for an MIT-wide forum titled “Climate Change: Ethics in Action.” Sponsored...
BMW 2002 Cabriolet (Source: Jean-Jacques MARCHAND)
In The News
CleanTechnica | Nov 21, 2016

MIT: Emissions Trading for Transport = EU’s Cheapest Means of Reducing Transport Emissions; EU officials reportedly receptive to Joint Program study’s findings

“Rather than adopting an approach similar to the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standard in the United States, the European Union could achieve similar carbon dioxide emissions reductions simply by extending the existing emissions trading system to encompass transportation (in addition to...
Arun Singh
In The News
MIT News | Nov 17, 2016
Tata Center graduate fellow Arun Singh shares energy-economic modeling research at UN Climate Change Conference
News Release
Nov 16, 2016

How an enhanced cap-and-trade system can help the world’s top carbon emitter cut emissions and improve air quality

Around Campus
MIT News | Nov 15, 2016

Richard Alley delivers 2016 Carlson Lecture on the physics of glaciers and how ice sheets capture a history of the world’s climate

Two miles thick and a continent wide, piles of snow have been accumulating across the world’s polar regions over millennia. After cycles of melting and freezing, compressing and spreading under their own weight, packed snow formed magnificent glaciers. These majestic, yet powerful, bodies of ice...
A pile of coal (Source: Flickr, oatsy40)
In The News
The Verge | Nov 14, 2016

Sea levels are rising, but he’s trying to bring coal back

Trump’s presidency could mean a resurgence of coal, a hollowing out of climate policy, and a shift away from clean energy innovation. MIT Earth and Planetary Sciences Professor Kerry Emanuel warns that the consequences could include major negative health effects; increased food and water shortages...
News Release
MIT News | Nov 08, 2016

Emissions trading would be more effective than mileage standards, new study shows

As the European Union contemplates new policies aimed at meeting its emissions-reduction commitments under last year’s Paris Agreement on climate change, a new study by researchers at MIT and elsewhere could provide some valuable guidance on the most effective strategy.
News Release

How a shift from fossil fuels to low-carbon technologies could alter today’s balance of power

If the Paris Agreement leads to an energy transition from fossil fuels to low-carbon technologies, fossil-fuel-producing nations will likely wield far less geopolitical power than they do now. “Instead of focusing on just two major...
In The News
MIT News | Oct 20, 2016

MIT’s vice president for research discusses the challenges ahead for MIT and the world

At this time last year, President L. Rafael Reif announced the Institute’s five-year plan for responding to the risks posed by climate change. Maria Zuber, vice president for research and the E.A. Griswold Professor of Geophysics, has been coordinating MIT’s climate action efforts since the plan’s...
Shell Quest Carbon capture facility, Fort Saskatchewan (Source: Pembina Institute)
In The News
Washington Post | Oct 14, 2016

Overreliance on negative emissions as solution could prevent global climate stabilization

While noting that carbon capture and storage (CCS) could be combined with biomass to produce negative net emissions, MIT Energy Initiative/Joint Program Senior Research Engineer and CCS expert Howard Herzog argues that “the focus of today...
