News + Media

Dec 18, 2016

Two veteran environmental economists at MIT, John Reilly (left) and Henry "Jake" Jacoby, briefly outline a couple of the most important, and least appreciated, facts about human-driven climate change. One is that the system has enormous inertia, preventing any quick fix. Another is that deep...

Photo: On December 12 - 16, several MIT Joint Program researchers and affiliates plan to share recent findings at the AGU’s 2016 Fall Meeting in San Francisco. (Source: AGU)
News Release
Dec 12, 2016

In 17 talks and posters, Joint Program researchers present global and regional analyses at the AGU’s annual fall meeting

Dec 09, 2016

Ron Prinn discusses his work on the Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment with MIT's Industrial Liason Program.

In The News
BBC World Service | Dec 09, 2016
Donald Trump has chosen a climate change sceptic to head the US Environmental Protection Agency. MIT Joint Program Co-Director Emeritus Henry Jacoby comments on the policy implications in this BBC World Service radio clip.
Forest behind Kiryu zoo in Japan (Source: Flickr, jeeheon)
News Release
Dec 07, 2016

New book chapter highlights the Joint Program’s approach to representing land use in global computable general equilibrium models

Space Station view of the Chesapeake Bay (Source: NASA)
In The News
New York Times | Dec 02, 2016
Despite the title of the article, the author cautions that the world remains imperiled by greenhouse gas emissions associated with climate change, citing the MIT Joint Program’s 2015 Energy and Climate Outlook.
World flags eave outside the UNFCCC COP22 conference venue in Marrakech, Morocco on Nov. 8 (Photo by Jennifer Perron/Climate CoLab)
Around Campus
MIT News | Nov 30, 2016

MIT Climate CoLab presents innovative approach at UN international climate talks

in Morocco

An MIT research initiative is harnessing the power of crowds and online collaborative tools in support of fulfilling global Paris Agreement climate goals.
Source: NASA Earth Observatory
News Release
Nov 23, 2016

Accounting for year-to-year variability enables more accurate projections of climate change and its impacts

In The News • China Energy & Climate Project
MIT Energy Initiative | Nov 22, 2016
PhD candidate Michael Davidson gathers information at COP22 for his research on renewable energy and climate change policies in China
In The News
MIT News | Nov 22, 2016

At UN Climate Change Conference, MIT researchers share insights on implementing climate commitments

Last year, participants in the Paris Agreement on climate change expressed the shared global objective of limiting temperature rise, with each party to the agreement laying out its intended national contributions to addressing climate change. At this year’s UN Climate Change Conference (COP22)...
