News + Media

NY Times | Feb 22, 2013
THE average price of gasoline in the United States, $3.78 on Thursday, has been steadily climbing for more than a month and is approaching the three previous post-recession peaks, in May 2011 and in April and September of last year. But if our goal is to get Americans to drive less and use more...
News Release
Link to Article | Feb 21, 2013
MIT researchers find vehicle efficiency standards are at least six times more costly than a tax on fuel. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Valerie Karplus makes her case in an op-ed in the NY Times...
hurricane sandy
In The News
Nature | Feb 15, 2013
Nature: Natural hazards: New York vs the sea By: Jeff Tollefson February 13, 2013 In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, scientists and officials are trying to protect the largest US city from future floods. Joe Leader's heart sank as he descended into the South Ferry subway station at the southern tip of...
In The News
MIT Joint Program | Feb 12, 2013
IN THE NEWS: Changing with the climate MIT News January 25, 2013 MIT researchers, Massachusetts officials highlight strategies to adapt to climate change. Just days after President Obama called for action on...
student showcase
Recent Event
MIT News | Feb 12, 2013
Last month, the United Nations Environment Programme agreed on the first major environmental treaty in over a decade. Its focus was reducing mercury pollution. There to participate in the events were ten MIT students and their instructor Noelle Selin, a researcher with the Joint Program on the...
student showcase
Recent Event
As Massachusetts and communities throughout the country face the realities of a world where severe weather events like Super Storm Sandy could become more common, smart adaptation strategies are needed. MIT students and researchers brought their latest ideas and findings to the table at an event on...
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Researcher Highlight
Faculty Forum | Feb 11, 2013
Research aimed at predicting future climate activity has primarily focused on large and complex numerical models. While this approach has provided some quantitative estimates of climate change, those predictions can vary greatly from one model to the next and produce doubts in the projected outcome...
Researcher Highlight
Feb 11, 2013

In this Faculty Forum Online broadcast, Professor Kerry Emanuel '76, PhD '78 discusses a new approach to climate science that emphasizes basic understanding.

In The News
Washington Post | Feb 08, 2013
By Brad Plumer February 6, 2013 Like it or hate it, policymakers in Washington are still obsessed with the deficit. That’s why think tanks keep churning out clever plans to cut spending and raise taxes. And here’s a new paper from the Council on Foreign Relations offering an interesting twist on...
