News + Media

In The News
Link to Article | May 08, 2014

Multidisciplinary program, to be led by Susan Solomon, will encourage collaborations among researchers in different fields. 

David Chandler MIT News Office MIT has announced a major new campuswide initiative to promote transformative, cross-disciplinary research relating to the environment. The initiative will be formally launched in the fall, and its founding director will be...
The Blue Marble
In The News
AP | May 07, 2014

Henry D. Jacoby, codirector emeritus of the Joint Program and coauthor of the National Climate Assessment comments on the report.

Global warming is rapidly turning America the beautiful into America the stormy, sneezy and dangerous, according to a new federal scientific report. And those shining seas? Rising and costly, the report says. Climate change's assorted harms "are expected to become increasingly disruptive across the...
In The News
Link to Article | May 07, 2014

Henry D. Jacoby, codirector emeritus of the Joint Program, talks to Amanda Lang of the CBC's Lang and O'Leary Exchange about the findings of the Third National Climate Assessment. 

Joint Program codirector emeritus Henry Jacoby appeared on CBC's The Lang & O'Leary Exchange to discuss the findings of the Third National Climate Assessment. Jacoby is a lead...
News Release
May 01, 2014

Jerry Melillo one of 84 researchers from across the nation selected for membership in prestigious society

Los Angeles Times | Apr 25, 2014

Global Change researcher Michael Greenstone and coauthors write about the importance of natural experiments" in calculating the costs and benefits of environmental regulations."

Last week, a divided court of appeals upheld what may well be the most important environmental rule in the nation's history: the Environmental Protection Agency's mercury standards. The regulation is expected to prevent up to 11,000 premature deaths, 4,700 heart attacks and 130,000 asthma attacks a...
Apr 24, 2014

The planet is a complex system in which humans are playing an ever more important role in shaping the environment and the livability of the planet. The data, modeling, and analysis of data and model results requires a variety of visualization tools. Computational resources needed for the...

President Kagame of Rwanda
In The News
MIT News | Apr 23, 2014
Yesterday, Paul Kagame, the president of Rwanda, visited MIT to discuss existing collaboration between his country and MIT, as well as to explore the possibility of broadening its scope. Kagame was traveling with Rwandan Ambassador to the United States Mathilde Mukantabana, Rwanda’s Permanent...
News Release
Apr 14, 2014

MIT researchers find that the extremes in Antarctic ozone holes have not been matched in the Arctic

In The News

John Reilly comments on the fortcoming IPCC report's take on slowing climate change.

Trust in technology: That seems to be the underlying message of a coming report from the world's top panel on climate change. Scheduled for release on Sunday in Berlin, Germany, the new Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report will point to many possible ways—from burying greenhouse...
In The News
ClimateWire | Apr 07, 2014

 John Reilly says IPCC reports should integrate science, adaptation, and mitigation efforts.

By Stephanie Paige Ogburn ClimateWire Every seven years, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) publishes three colossal reports about global warming. The second of that set of three, focusing on impacts and adaptation, was just released, and on its heels have come calls for the...
