News + Media

In The News
Energy Futures | Dec 04, 2019

State-level adoption saves money and lives (Energy Futures)


In The News
Energy Futures | Dec 04, 2019

Good news, some concerns (Energy Futures)


News Release
MIT News | Dec 02, 2019
Engineered wood could cut building emissions and costs

To meet the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change—keeping global warming well below 2°C and ideally capping it at 1.5°C—humanity will ultimately need to achieve net zero emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere. To date emissions reduction efforts have largely...

Utility Dive | Dec 02, 2019

Deep decarbonization requires nuclear, says Joint Program Co-Director John Reilly (Utility Dive)

Energy Workshop 2019.jpg
News Release
Nov 26, 2019
MIT Joint Program workshop explores challenges and opportunities of scaling up low-carbon energy

To meet the world’s growing demand for energy amid efforts to stabilize the global climate will require the deployment of low‑carbon energy sources on a massive scale. But mobilizing the financial resources, technological advances, public opinion and political resolve needed to move toward net...

News Release
MIT Energy Initiative | Nov 19, 2019

Technological innovations, policies, and behavioral changes will all be needed to reach Paris climate agreement targets (Coverage: WBUR, Technology Review, E&E News, Smart Cities Dive, Forbes)

Kathryn Luu | MIT Energy Initiative November 19, 2019

News Release
Penn State News | Nov 14, 2019
Climate sensitivity to changes in atmospheric CO2 may be underestimated in individual climate models

A'ndrea Elyse Messer

November 12, 2019

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Equilibrium climate sensitivity — how sensitive the Earth's climate is to changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide — may be underestimated in individual climate models, according to a team of climate scientists.

Around Campus

MIT team found that air quality impacts of aviation emissions significantly exceed climate impacts (Coverage: CNN)

New research from MIT’s Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment has quantified the climate and air quality impacts of aviation, broken down by emission type, altitude and location. Writing in Environmental Research Letters, the research team examines how this damage can be mitigated, and...

News Release
Nov 08, 2019
The case of Taiwan

As the Paris Agreement nears the four-year mark and signatories prepare to account for progress to date on national pledges to reduce climate-warming greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, it’s important to note that some countries have a much heavier lift than others. A case in point is Taiwan, where...

In The News
Houston Chronicle | Nov 06, 2019

Joint Program Co-Director John Reilly to present findings from report on deep decarbonization on Capitol Hill (Houston Chronicle) (Additional Coverage: Washington Examiner)

By James Osborne

 Updated 10:12 am CST, Tuesday, November 5, 2019

WASHINGTON - Getting the power grid to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 will be far less costly if nuclear power, along with wind and solar energy, can be expanded, according to scientists from the Massachusetts...
