News + Media

Around Campus
MIT News | Nov 06, 2015

MIT-led project shows a new method to help communities manage climate risks

Peter Dizikes | MIT News Office  Perhaps you have heard the adage “think globally, act locally.” An MIT-led project taking that idea to heart has demonstrated a new method for getting local citizens and leaders to agree on the best ways of managing the immediate and long-term effects of climate...
Around Campus
MIT News | Oct 29, 2015

Timely vehicle recall by German automaker would avoid some 130 early deaths, researchers say.

Jennifer Chu | MIT News Office    Volkswagen’s use of software to evade emissions standards in more than 482,000 diesel vehicles sold in the U.S. will directly contribute to 60 premature deaths across the country, a new MIT-led study finds. In September, the Environmental Protection Agency...
Around Campus
MIT News | Oct 26, 2015

Detailed climate simulation shows a threshold of survivability could be crossed without mitigation measures.

See article in the New York Times David L. Chandler | MIT News Office   Watch Video Within this century, parts of the Persian Gulf region could be hit with unprecedented events of deadly...
Around Campus
MIT News | Oct 21, 2015

Hundreds of millions sought for low-carbon research; advocacy for carbon pricing; a call to the alumni and beyond

MIT News Office   MIT is launching a multifaceted five-year plan aimed at fighting climate change, representing a new phase in the Institute’s commitment to an issue that, the plan says, “demands society’s urgent attention.” Citing “overwhelming” scientific evidence, ...
News Release
Oct 20, 2015

The 2015 Energy and Climate Outlook projects that the global temperature is likely to rise 3.1 - 5.2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by 2100

Recent Event
MIT Energy Night | Oct 19, 2015
The CECP Team presented our ongoing work at the annual MIT Energy Night, which was held Friday, October 16, 2015, at the MIT Museum. This public event showcases energy-related activities at MIT, including presentations from research laboratories, student groups, and early stage energy startups...
Around Campus
MIT News | Oct 19, 2015

Institute-wide initiative aims to address environmental issues at all scales, from campuswide to worldwide.

by David L. Chandler | MIT News John E. Fernandez, a professor of building technology in the Department of Architecture, has been named as the new director of MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative (ESI), a campuswide initiative launched in 2014. Fernandez succeeds Susan Solomon, the Ellen...
Around Campus
MIT News | Oct 16, 2015

Study finds pledges by top greenhouse gas emitters leaves little room for others; urges greater R&D.

by Jennifer Chu | MIT News Office Over two weeks in December, delegates from virtually every country in the world will gather in Paris for the 21st annual United Nations Climate Change Conference. Their ambitious goal: to hammer out a binding international agreement on climate action. In advance of...
News Brief
Oct 14, 2015

Joint Program's Sergey Paltsev addresses topic at Sabanci University 

News Release
Oct 07, 2015

How Much Can They Deliver and at What Cost?
