News + Media

News Release
Dec 08, 2015

Study shows significant cost differences in Brazil and Mexico

In The News
MIT News | Dec 07, 2015

Faculty and students from the Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate visited our nation's capital to build relationships with policymakers on both sides of the aisle.

Cassie Martin | Oceans at MIT  Navigating the current U.S. political climate can be tricky business, especially when it comes to science policy. With Congress divided more than ever on numerous important issues, including climate change, it’s important for legislators to have access to experts and...
Around Campus
MIT News | Dec 07, 2015

MIT Water Summit presents insights, innovations and solutions to protect our world’s most abundant natural resource

  Kelsey Damrad | Civil and Environmental Engineering Amid a changing climate, population growth, rapid development, and pervasive urbanization, an unprecedented threat to the world’s food and water supply is more apparent than ever before. In fact, it is predicted that 70 percent more food will be...
Dec 04, 2015

Professors Henry Jacoby and Valerie Karplus (MIT Sloan School of Management) and their collaborator, professor Xiliang Zhang (Tsinghua University; MIT-Tsinghua China Energy & Climate Project) speak at this event. Addressing an audience of COP21 attendees, MIT alumni, current students, and...

In The News
CNN | Nov 24, 2015
Includes commentary by John Reilly and climate change calculator based on methodology co-developed by Adam Schlosser
News Release
Nov 18, 2015

Study gauges climate impacts on renewable energy production in southern Africa

Nov 12, 2015

Leading climate economists discuss prospects for a successful outcome to the COP21 meeting.

Nov 10, 2015

Henry "Jake" Jacoby Raises Climate Change Concerns at UNU-WIDER Conference.

News Release • China Energy & Climate Project
Nov 10, 2015

Leading climate economists discuss prospects for a global agreement

In The News
MIT News | Nov 10, 2015

Former executive director of MIT Energy Initiative describes roadmap for averting devastating climate change.

David L. Chandler | MIT News Office Melanie Kenderdine, as the first executive director of the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI), helped to launch an international program to increase women’s participation and leadership in the energy field called Clean...
